lundi 24 septembre 2018

State Taxes: How to Get California Tax Board Off the Back of an or Resident/Tax Payer

I am an OR resident and have been since 1983. I file taxes in OR and pay OR income taxes. I am an independent agent of 100s of communication services companies via a California master agent of those companies. Thanks to the master agent I have access to the products of the services companies, such as Verizon, AT&T, and etc. These services companies pay me a commission on their services I "sell" to my clients. These services companies send my commissions to the master agent, in CA, which takes a percentage of my commission and forwards the balance to me. The master agent files annually a 1099 advising the Feds of the amount they forwarded to me of my money.

California somehow got a copy of the 2016 1099 filed by my master agent and is now trying to con me into paying CA taxes because the master agent is in California.

I responded to the first inquiry with a list of all my clients with addresses showing NONE in CA and explaining I am an Oregon resident with NO CA clients and I pay Oregon income taxes. Now CA wants a copy of my 1040, my contract with the master agent, and much more.

I don't want to furnish anything more.

What are my rights?
May I tell CA to go suck an egg?
I pay my taxes to OR.
How can I get CA off my back?
Can Calif. come up to Oregon and get me?

If I had tons of $ I'd get an atty.


State Taxes: How to Get California Tax Board Off the Back of an or Resident/Tax Payer

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