samedi 22 septembre 2018

Unemployment Benefits: Applied for Uc, Got Approved, Boss Decided to Offer Me Job Back

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: Pennsylvania

My employer found out that I would be leaving the job in six months to move to another state before I could talk to him myself. He used his anger about that to call me into his office about attendance even though I follow every rule they put forth (e.g. giving plenty of notice, a doctor's note, using only time that I have paid into for sick leave). While I completely understand that he has every right to do so, he put me on leave until we could "come to an agreement about my attendance" and tried very hard to force me into resignation. Even though I had nothing to offer, I emailed him back the next morning with a plan of action, and didn't hear from him for over a month. I applied for UC since I wasn't sure where I stood, and now he is suddenly very anxious and harassing me to sign a document that essentially says that if I'm out sick again they will fire me and a few other paragraphs on how my absence was detrimental to the company, ending with a reminder that PA is an at-will state and they can still fire me at any time for any reason. My work performance is exceptional (per my coworkers and the people I work directly under), and it makes me exceedingly uncomfortable to sign a paper that states otherwise. There is no promise of my original hours or compensation within the letter, and I worry that I will be walking back into a hostile situation. While I'm not sure I can walk away from the money I would ultimately make, I suppose I just want to know if I'm doing something terrible by signing that letter, or if I could even receive UC if I don't return to a job that was offered to me (considering I am supposed to be "willing and able to work" via the approval documents I received. The letter says nothing of my imminent move and only speaks of my attendance. Any help would be amazing.
Thank you

Unemployment Benefits: Applied for Uc, Got Approved, Boss Decided to Offer Me Job Back

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