dimanche 30 septembre 2018

Professional Conduct: Understanding Why I Lost

My question relates to legal practice in the state of: TX.
Venue - Justice of the Peace.
Case type - tow hearing
What happens if tow is found to not have probable cause - i get my car back and if i'm lucky...awarded my thirty five dollar filing fee. No punishment at any level for the tow operator, tow company owner.

1. All parties were present.
2. i was the plaintiff
3. first thing the judge said was 'i am only going to rule on whether or not the tow was justified.'
4. i show the judge and the defendant pictures demonstrating the signage is not 'installed so that the bottom edge of the sign is no lower than five feet and no higher than eight feet above ground level.'
5. judge looks to defendant for confirmation that my pictures are true and correct.
6. defendant produces her own pictures and they are of the same sign
7. defendant states that the fence is 6' feet tall and states that the top of the sign is at fence height.
8. at this point i decide to take a back seat...
9. judge then said 'if the sign is 15 inches tall, then the bottom of the sign cannot be at the minimum height of 5'
10. i silently thank her for her testimony.
11. days later i received the judgment....i lost.

how is this possible

Professional Conduct: Understanding Why I Lost

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