jeudi 1 mars 2018

Getting My Property from Ex

My question involves personal property located in the State of: Kentucky.
My son and I have lived with this man for almost 3 years, in his home. He has a mortgage, not a landlord. We shopped for the house together, and I've basically been a housewife for almost 3 years.
After constantly arguing, I decided we just aren't meant to be. When I told him I wanted to break up,(because we fight all the time), he was very angry and wouldn't let my son and I in the house. A few days later he let me in to get some belongings, and then changed the locks. Everything we own is in the house, including a lot of my furniture. He said I could make an "appointment" with him to start packing my things. Usually when we make plans for me to go pack, he changes his mind, and I have to reschedule.
I do receive my mail there, it is my home, just not on paper.
Prior to the breakup, he bought me a piano. Several people heard him say he bought if for me, and now he's saying I can't have it. Just out of spite! I want to be able to pack for about 2 days, and on the 3rd day, get a truck and move it all out. Including my piano! If he bought me an engagement ring, I wouldn't have to return it.
How do I go about getting my piano and everything else without dragging this out any longer?

Getting My Property from Ex

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