dimanche 25 mars 2018

Lost Property: Property Loss

My question involves personal property located in the State of: Colorado

Hello, on Thursday morning 3/22/17
My friend, whom was driving his own vehicle, and I in my own, we're driving back to town after a break up with my Ex. I had the all of my irreplaceably "important" belongings in my vehicle, and miscellaneous objects in his..
Anyways, upon driving back into town my friend got pulled over for speeding and had his car towed away (long story) and the police officer told me that if I made room in my vehicle for my friend and his dog by putting all my *IRREPLACEABLY* objects in his car, that was being towed, I would be able to get my stuff out of his car, in the tow yard, the next day during business hours.

The next day comes, I drive 2 hours to this tow yard with my friend to get my belongings, and only my belongings, fully believing that the cop was telling me the truth... The tow company tells me that unless I pay to get his car out of the tow yard I cannot get my stuff.. in which I'm not going to register and insure a vehicle thats not mine and my friend doesn't even care if his car ever gets out anyways... What can I do? Please help. I have my kids baby book and a locket with my grandmothers ashes along with ALL my clothes/shoes ect.. in that car.

Should I call the police and tell them I want escorted to get my belongings from the tow company and that officer so-and-so said I would be able to get my stuff out...?
Do I try and make this a civil matter due to the fact I'm loosing out out irreplaceable objects that hold emotional value?

I would of *never* put my stuff in his car to begin with if I knew this was going to happen. It's not my fault my friend decided to go 20+ miles over the speed limit and now I'm the one paying for it...

Please help

Lost Property: Property Loss

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