dimanche 30 septembre 2018

Privacy Crimes: Federal V.s. State Law in Taping Phone Calls

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Maryland and Federal

I have reviewed the Reporter's Recording Guide that was referenced in another thread. The guide outlines the law for taping phone calls. Still, it left me with a couple questions. Based on what I read ... Federal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. However, Maryland is an All-Party consent state which is contrary to Federal law. As a non-lawyer I find this problematic. Would not Federal law take precedence in court?

If someone records a telephone conversation as one-party consent in Maryland, and the conversation is never used or disclosed by the one-party, what would the damage be ... where is the injury? I would like to read some case law (civil or criminal) regarding this if someone can point me in the right direction.


Privacy Crimes: Federal V.s. State Law in Taping Phone Calls

Rental Agreements: Fraudulent Rent Payments with Stolen Credit Cards

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: California
Not sure if this is the correct forum. My issue involves my property that is being managed by a Property Management Company.

Dec'17 I was notified by my property manager they had signed a new tenant to a 6 month lease. This is how they described the tenant-
"We have one gentlemen who applied (super nice guy and really wanted the home) but we were reluctant to move forward due to some credit concerns, however, he has provided reasonable explanations and clarified. We have checked references, income and a full credit report. We are moving forward with a lease today with a start date of 12/20. The lease will terminate on 6/31/18."
Early May '18 Property manager was notified that the renter was paying rent with stolen credit cards. I was paid my monies due for months prior to notification. Credit card company charged back the monies from property manager.
3 day notice to pay or quit was not issued until July 9th 2018. The tenant was not evicted until Sept'18. 4 months of uncollected rents, fraudulent or otherwise. Property management company wants me to reimburse them for the chargebacks by Credit Card company. Am I liable to pay back the rents that were charged backed to Credit Card company?

Rental Agreements: Fraudulent Rent Payments with Stolen Credit Cards

Interstate Issues: Child Support Fraud Being Committed by Cp

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Georgia
My ex remarried in 2016 and moved to TN with her new husband and my 14 year old son. I haven't seen him since June and tomorrow is October 1st. My wages are being garnished at $2200/mo. for my two boys. The oldest son (20 yrs. old) has been living with me for the past year in Alpharetta. Half of that $2200/mo. is for HIS support. I also had my DL suspended, my passport voided and my wages garnished (@ 55% of my gross income) by the State for nearly four years now. I hired an attorney, which I had to take out a $6000 401k loan for, who refuses to answer my calls or emails. I'll be 62 in 3 months. I can't afford another one. Do I have any options, or am I to remain a slave of the state?

Interstate Issues: Child Support Fraud Being Committed by Cp

Professional Conduct: Understanding Why I Lost

My question relates to legal practice in the state of: TX.
Venue - Justice of the Peace.
Case type - tow hearing
What happens if tow is found to not have probable cause - i get my car back and if i'm lucky...awarded my thirty five dollar filing fee. No punishment at any level for the tow operator, tow company owner.

1. All parties were present.
2. i was the plaintiff
3. first thing the judge said was 'i am only going to rule on whether or not the tow was justified.'
4. i show the judge and the defendant pictures demonstrating the signage is not 'installed so that the bottom edge of the sign is no lower than five feet and no higher than eight feet above ground level.'
5. judge looks to defendant for confirmation that my pictures are true and correct.
6. defendant produces her own pictures and they are of the same sign
7. defendant states that the fence is 6' feet tall and states that the top of the sign is at fence height.
8. at this point i decide to take a back seat...
9. judge then said 'if the sign is 15 inches tall, then the bottom of the sign cannot be at the minimum height of 5'
10. i silently thank her for her testimony.
11. days later i received the judgment....i lost.

how is this possible

Professional Conduct: Understanding Why I Lost

samedi 29 septembre 2018

Other Violations: Sun-Shading/Window Tint = Case Dismissed but Must Pay Court Costs

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Virginia

So I got a ticket by a state trooper in June for "Illegal Sun-Shading Material" because my windshield is tinted; Virginia code 46.2-1052. The state trooper never measured my front glass with a 2-piece tint meter. A 2-piece meter is used to measure light transmittance by attaching one part on the inside glass by suction cup and the other part on the outside glass.

I have a sunshade waiver from Virginia DMV and "sunshading" is listed on my registration for my car as being authorized to have sunshading lower than what 46.2-1052 allows and it also allows you to tint the windshield to 70%. Sunshade waiver applies to Virginia code 46.2-1053. All of my windows are within legal range under 46.2-1053

- Virginia DMV website which lists sunshading: https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/drivers...sunshading.asp
***Note that the DMV website says I can tint my windshield under "Total Percentage of Light Allowed With Medical Authorization"***
- Virginia DMV form used to apply for a waiver: https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/webdoc/pdf/med20.pdf
- Virginia code 46.2-1052: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/...tion46.2-1052/
- Virginia code 46.2-1053: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/...tion46.2-1053/

I had court this past Friday and pleaded not guilty. During court, I told the judge that I have a sunshade waiver and provided my registration which indicates "sunshading". The state trooper admitted he did not measure my front windshield and that he did not have a 2-piece meter. The trooper's claim was that I could not tint my entire windshield past the AS-1 line (from roof edge to AS-1 Line) and that I could not tint more than 70% of my windshield...... The judge looked confused and sounded like he was confused.

Nevertheless, my case was dismissed but I was told to pay court costs. Right after court, I spoke with the trooper for further clarification. Even though I have a sunshade waiver, he insists I cannot tint my windshield.... Maybe he is more familiar with 46.2-1052 than he is with 46.2-1053. I don't know....

Court costs are $62. I honestly do not think I should pay anything. From a past experience when I had a traffic case dismissed and ended up paying court costs, the citation still hit my driving record and no demerit points were given. The problem I had was with my car insurance because since it was listed on my driving record my insurance premium increased.

So, I don't want the same thing to happen again where this case got dismissed but I still pay court costs. I would rather dismiss it altogether since in fact I have done nothing wrong and am heavily considering an appeal as this whole thing is nonsense because the trooper is not familiar with sunshade waivers and 46.2-1053

According to the courts website regarding appeals under "CRIMINAL & TRAFFIC APPEALS"; I have 10 days to file an appeal. It sounds like once I file an appeal it goes to circuit court and I have the option to request a jury at a cost of $390. I honestly do not think I need a jury because all of my ducks are in a row.
- https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/generaldistrict/appeals

Am I crazy for thinking to appeal court costs? Any advice? If there was a way to get this thrown out instead of going through with an appeal I would do it but I don't think there is way

During court, I thought by providing my registration which indicated "sunshading" would have been enough but since the trooper seems to be unfamiliar with waivers and 46.2-1053 I probably should have supplied the court a print out of the code, a print out of what the DMV website says, and a print out of the waiver application form.


Other Violations: Sun-Shading/Window Tint = Case Dismissed but Must Pay Court Costs

Regulations and Procedures: Government Agency Recommending Private Consulting Firms

I'm wondering if it is lawful for a governmental regulatory agency to provide a list of private engineering firms.

To give a little more detail:
- civil engineering firms are typically hired to produce designs and specifications related to residential dwelling construction in this particular region ( California). It is my understanding that any professional engineer licensed in the state is qualified to provide these services.
- the property owner initially contacts the regulatory agency to figure out the general process of land development
- the regulatory agency then provides a list (4 or 5 forms on the list) of private engineering firms and essentially implies to the property owner that he must hire a firm from the list and if a firm is not on the list that firm is not qualified.

I'm wondering if there is perhaps some legal statue restricting the government agency from providing a list and essentially recommending private engineering firms?

Regulations and Procedures: Government Agency Recommending Private Consulting Firms

Legality of a U-Turn at a Specific Intersection

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of California and city of Chico.

Vehicle is traveling Southbound on Esplanade near the intersection of W Lincoln in the far left lane. Signal is green, traffic is heavy in both directions. Can a U-turn be legally made?


Legality of a U-Turn at a Specific Intersection

Custodial is Talking to Me Like a Robot What is Her Plan Now

My question involves a child custody case from the State of:

Custodial is communicating with me like a robot and in english and our language

She send me messages such as please remember that visitation start and ends than also says it in our languague

Im acomodating you to make up days you missed etc

Please stop sending me messages with my son this is why we used the app

I asked her why she log in and log off than ignores my question and than proceed to talk like a robot

I know is not her but stepmom and I decided to erase the app

Custodial is Talking to Me Like a Robot What is Her Plan Now

vendredi 28 septembre 2018

Fender Bender and Citations Oregon

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: oregon
I was recently in an accident, a small fender bender in traffic and the cop did not issue any one citations. Can she issue citations afte releasing us and giving us the accident report?

Fender Bender and Citations Oregon

Defenses to Eviction: Notice to Cease

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: New Jersey

I have received a notice to cease in the form of warning from my property management for not permitting maintenance worker in my apartment during my absence to do the necessary repair work. I asked him to come to my house for repair when i am present but he wanted to access my apartment during my absence. Long story short the repair work was done next day when i was present but after a month i received a "NOTCE TO CEASE" warning me to cease (stop) (refusal/denying access to apartment). I have a electronic proof that repair work was completed on next date. May i know if this letter is simply the warning ? or does this mean that landlord is going to evict me ? Am i required to respond this letter in writing stating that access to apartment was permitted next day.

Defenses to Eviction: Notice to Cease

Hov Violation

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Washington

I Received a ticket for driving alone in the HOV lane. I filed for a contested hearing and discovery. I receive the officers testimony. And it states that he saw me driving in a high occupancy lane without any other passengers.

My question is The HOV lane that I was traveling in allows you to pay to drive-in. For him to know whether or not I have a good to go pass He would’ve had to witness me go through a signal that indicates whether or not the pass was scanned. Since he does not state that he had done that, does that mean He did not have justification of hold me over? There’s no way he could’ve known whether or not I have a good to go pass without witnessing me drive under a signal.

Hov Violation

Can Auto Claim Be Revoked if Insurance Learns Odometer Broken

My question involves insurance law for the state of: CA

I have a pre-1980 car. I have had low mileage discount on it for 4 months. Recently, and after an accident and claim process that was my fault, they requested my odometer reading for low mileage discount status.

I noticed that only about a 200 mile increase on the odometer even though I drove about 2000 miles...at that point I realized it's broken.

I don't mind losing my low mileage discount. Buy what I'm really concerned about is could they revoke my claim coverage from the recent accident?

Can Auto Claim Be Revoked if Insurance Learns Odometer Broken

Settlement: Trial De Novo - Discuss Settlement

My question involves court procedures for the state of: ID

I’m the Plaintiff in a Small Claims case where I filed appeal so this is De novo.
I just got the Appeal Order from the court clerk. In the appeal order it says
SETTLEMENT: The parties are expected to discuss settlement.
Does that mean that we are required to discuss settlement before the hearing? Like we actually have to contact one another and see if we can agree to one? Then we have to prove we did so?

Settlement: Trial De Novo - Discuss Settlement

Towing: Predatory Towing - Rights Regarding Release of Vehicle

Unfortunately, our apartment complex is subject to predatory towing companies, and most victims are unaware of CVC § 22658(g) and (h) which I copied below.

My question is....if you intercept the tow process PRIOR to it being "hitched or coupled" (which I would like a more exact definition for, eg. the tow truck has dropped its lifter and is preparing to hook up the car, but has not yet done so, but perhaps the lift bar has been backed into the tires and is touching them, but not yet lifted) I should think it is perfectly legal to enter my vehicle and remove it, or at least sit in it PRIOR to any mechanism, strap, dropbar etc, having touched the vehicle, thereby preventing the tow. I have seen this happen before, when a driver uses intimidating and downright threatening language, telling a car owner they cannot get in their vehicle, even if it is PRIOR to even being hooked up, and they proceed to hook it up and tow away at the owners horror.

Thank you

If you return to your car after
it is hooked up to a tow truck and before it leaves the
property, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to have the vehicle
released from the tow truck, but you must pay half the
normal towing fee.
until the moment that the tow truck drives off the
property. If your car was already hooked up when you
arrived, the towing company has the right to charge
you one half of normal towing charges for a released
vehicle BUT they cannot require immediate payment
as a condition of releasing the vehicle. You must
immediately move the released vehicle to a legal
parking spot

(g) (1) (A) Possession of a vehicle under this section shall be deemed to arise when a vehicle is removed from private property and is in transit.

(B) Upon the request of the owner of the vehicle or that owner’s agent, the towing company or its driver shall immediately and unconditionally release a vehicle that is not yet removed from the private property and in transit.

(C) A person failing to comply with subparagraph (B) is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(2) If a vehicle is released to a person in compliance with subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1), the vehicle owner or authorized agent shall immediately move that vehicle to a lawful location.

(h) A towing company may impose a charge of not more than one-half of the regular towing charge for the towing of a vehicle at the request of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession of the private property pursuant to this section if the owner of the vehicle or the vehicle owner’s agent returns to the vehicle after the vehicle is coupled to the tow truck by means of a regular hitch, coupling device, drawbar, portable dolly, or is lifted off the ground by means of a conventional trailer, and before it is removed from the private property. The regular towing charge may only be imposed after the vehicle has been removed from the property and is in transit.

Towing: Predatory Towing - Rights Regarding Release of Vehicle

Kidnapping: I Was Kidnapped by Gunpoint and Raped

My question involves criminal law for the state of: OKLAHOMA

I was kidnapped by gunpoint and forced to drive to a secluded wooded area miles away and raped. My baby was in the back seat in a car seat. Afterwards, he took my baby in the car seat out of the car and placed it on the ground. He left us in my car, miles from the main road.
This was in 1981. I would like to know, since it was not only rape by gunpoint, it was kidnapping/abduction of not just one person, but two, and grand theft auto. I am pretty sure the police would have gotten rid of the evidence (my clothing, files, etc.) since the statute of limitations for rape have run, but
after all these years, I have wondered if the case should have been left open longer due to the other circumstances (kidnapping (2), grand theft auto). I have
not contacted the police department that investigated, with my questions. I would just like to know if there had been anything a person could have done with the same scenario. Could it have been kept open longer considering all that was done, therefore, possibly opening up DNA testing when this became available?

Kidnapping: I Was Kidnapped by Gunpoint and Raped

Other Violations: Expired Plates

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: IN
Can i lose my license for not paying an expired plates ticket? Also what does “An Electronic SR16 has been sent to the BMV
FTA SR16 sent to BMV for Charge 1 for Statute 9-18.1-11-2” mean?

Other Violations: Expired Plates

Defenses to Eviction: Landlord Signed Binding Lease Stating $0.00 Lease Payment

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Georgia

My Landlord had me and my GF resign a lease on 7/3/18. The woman in the office showed us each page and asked us to sign . We signed and management also signed the lease. Two days later the manager sent me a copy of our signed lease stating it was the new lease going forward. At the time I didn’t pay any attention to the rent amount on the lease so I filed it away. My girlfriend did see the rent amount on the lease showed $0.00 lease payment due from 11/17/17 through 3/19/19. I am running late on my September lease payment and my land lord has filed a dispossession claim with the magistrate court seeking eviction due to unpaid rent. I pulled out my lease and realized the document states $0.00 due for the entire lease period and my GF commented that she didn’t know I had paid rent for July and August because our lease stated $0.00 due for the entire lease period. My question is: Can I enter the current binding lease signed on 7/3 into evidence at my dispossession hearing and counter sue for refund of all rent I’ve paid since 11/17/17 through August 2018 and not be charged rent from Sept 2018 through March 19. 2019 . The date the lease ends. The landlord has been very quick to. Push me out of my home of nearly 4 years when they have given other tenants in the complex well over 30 days to pay without eviction filings. :mad::mad::mad:

I want to know if I can enforce the lease stating $0.00 due from 7/17/17 through 3/19/19 to get the land lord to refund all lease payment made up to sept of this year and also stay in the lease through its expiration on 3/19/19 with $0.00 rent per month?

Defenses to Eviction: Landlord Signed Binding Lease Stating $0.00 Lease Payment

Shoplifting, Database, and Employment

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Louisiana

Hey guys. First off I want to start with I am not defending my actions or stating that I deserve anything. I committed a socially wrong act and am just requesting a discussion to better understand my situation. I made a mistake and I own it. I also apologize if I'm in the wrong forum for this. I believed this was the best fit.

I was 17 years old, this was 8 years ago, and I had no money and walked down to the local Walmart and attempted to steal a condom. I was stopped by loss prevention and taken to the back office. I can't really remember how much personal information I disclosed with them, but it most likely consisted of my birthday and name. I did not even know my social security number at the time. No police were called and I eventually received a civil demand letter. This is where I made another mistake. I told my parents about it and they ended up paying the civil demand promptly and fully.

I'm now graduating from college and pursuing a career in law enforcement. I've never had anything on my record or been in trouble before. I am currently in the hiring process for my local police department. I have an impeccable public record. However, I know police departments and their applicant investigators do a much more strenuous background check on their applicants.

I'm not so much asking what the department will do, because I'm sure they will run my name through several retail theft databases. I'm more so asking and inviting others for a discussion on if my name would still be in the retail theft database after 8 years? I've read many different theories on this matter and would like some clarification. Some say your name stays in their database, some say it clears after 7 years, and some say that it's no a definite if it clears or not. I got a job at Best Buy through college, but it's possible they don't subscribe to the same database Walmart uses. Is it possible they sent me a civil demand letter and didn't include me in the database? I wouldn't expect this because companies are trying to protect themselves against any form of theft. Is there anything I can do or any advice?

Shoplifting, Database, and Employment

Civil Demand Letter, Theft Database, and Employment

My question involves civil procedures for the state of: LA

Hey guys. First off I want to start with I am not defending my actions or stating that I deserve anything. I committed a socially wrong act and am just requesting a discussion to better understand my situation. I made a mistake and I own it. I also apologize if I'm in the wrong forum for this. I believed this was the best fit.

I was 17 years old, this was 8 years ago, and I had no money and walked down to the local Walmart and attempted to steal a condom. I was stopped by loss prevention and taken to the back office. I can't really remember how much personal information I disclosed with them, but it most likely consisted of my birthday and name. I did not even know my social security number at the time. No police were called and I eventually received a civil demand letter. This is where I made another mistake. I told my parents about it and they ended up paying the civil demand promptly and fully.

I'm now graduating from college and pursuing a career in law enforcement. I've never had anything on my record or been in trouble before. I am currently in the hiring process for my local police department. I have an impeccable public record. However, I know police departments and their applicant investigators do a much more strenuous background check on their applicants.

I'm not so much asking what the department will do, because I'm sure they will run my name through several retail theft databases. I'm more so asking and inviting others for a discussion on if my name would still be in the retail theft database after 8 years? I've read many different theories on this matter and would like some clarification. Some say your name stays in their database, some say it clears after 7 years, and some say that it's no a definite if it clears or not. I got a job at Best Buy through college, but it's possible they don't subscribe to the same database Walmart uses. Is it possible they sent me a civil demand letter and didn't include me in the database? I wouldn't expect this because companies are trying to protect themselves against any form of theft. Is there anything I can do or any advice?

Civil Demand Letter, Theft Database, and Employment

jeudi 27 septembre 2018

Employer Seizing Your Property

My question involves your employer assuming your personal property is “Donated to the Company”. I work for an HCBS company in Kansas. The location I currently work at is closing down. Now there are several locations really close we can move to. My boss and their boss informed me today to bring back property that was purchased by another employee who is working st a different location I packed up for her. To make matters worse, I was also informed that any property I brought to the workplace was considered “Donated to the Company and needed to be brought back immediately.” My other coworkers have also purchased and brought things to work because the company couldn’t afford to get us the items we need to do our job, and are telling them as well that they cannot take them back they are considered donated and will stay with the company. This cannot be legal, correct?

Employer Seizing Your Property

Medical Malpractice: Can I Sue My Dentist for Causing Stitches Under My Tongue

My question involves malpractice in the state of: Texas.

I recently had one of my tooth extracted . During extraction the Dr was using an equipment which was holding my tongue aside as he worked on my tooth. He pushed it so hard that I received a cut under my tongue which needed 2-3 stitches by him.
I could not speak or eat for next 5 days due to the pain from my tongue.

Thank you in advance for your opinion .

Medical Malpractice: Can I Sue My Dentist for Causing Stitches Under My Tongue

Property Division: Who Gets the Dog Non-Marriage

My question involves a marriage in the state of: OH

Sorry, did not know where to post this...

My friend has been separated from her ex-boyfriend for over a year. They purchased a dog together while living with each other. They have shared custody of the pet. Recently the ex notified her that he does not want to go on "sharing" the dog anymore.

What can be done in this situation? Here are a few facts.

They split the cost of the purchase of the dog (she's the one who drove to pick it up). They split the cost of food and vet bills.
Her children really love the dog and from what i've heard the bond isnt that strong with his kids.
Her schedule is more open to giving the dog its proper attention and care and when she works her children take care of it. He has a multiple-day on/off schedule which often leaves him giving the dog to her while he does multiple day shifts in a row.

Any thoughts on this?

Property Division: Who Gets the Dog Non-Marriage

Transfer of Title: A Strange Problem

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Vermont/New Hampshire

I recently purchased a used car in Vermont and I live in New Hampshire. The dealer put a temp plate on the car. When I tried to register the car, I was told that the original owner never signed over the car.

The dealer finance guy tells me that the original owner wouldn't return their calls or cooperate over the matter so they had me bring the car back because the temporary reg expires today. They gave me a loaner with their dealer plate on it. In the meantime I have a loan payment due in a couple of days and I don't have possession of "my" car and don't know when I will.

Has anyone ever heard of something like this before? Do I own this car? I don't know what to do. I want to be reasonable and give them a chance to correct this but I don't want to pay for a car that's not mine.

Thanks in advance for the information.

Transfer of Title: A Strange Problem

Life Estates: Life Tenant Going to Jail

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Michigan

My father left me as remainderman of his property with the 3rd wife as life tenant. Her status as life tenet ends and property goes to me "upon death or remarriage of ______, or upon ______'s failure to occupy said premises for a period of 60 continuous days"

The life tenant suffers from alcoholism. Since my Fathers death she has been arrested for drunk driving 3 times, the 3rd was recently and she has yet to be sentenced. Upon the 2nd conviction she served 77 days in jail(more than the 60 continuous days required to occupy the home). At that time the lawyer said there was nothing we could do because the failure to occupy was "involuntary". In my opinion, she voluntarily drank and voluntarily drove but I left it alone. This time for her 3rd conviction she will be sentenced even longer, up to 5 years.

As remainderman, what are your opinions on my options? Thank you in advance.

Life Estates: Life Tenant Going to Jail

Life Estates: Obligations of Non-Family Life Estate Tenant

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Washington State

Hi my wife and I recently purchased a property that is subject to an agricultural conservation easement. This means we cannot subdivide and it must remain zoned agricultural. The title also provides for a life estate to one of the previous owners (not a family member) in a second home located on the property. Our understanding is that this means she can remain in this home, on the property, and enjoy the yard etc until she dies. We agreed to this condition when purchasing the property, and are comfortable with this arrangement. As the land deal was put together with the Land Trust that holds the easement, a value for her life estate was appraised, and was used when negotiating a final agreed upon price for the property. However, a specific value for her life estate was not counted as a credit on the final Purchase and Sale agreement nor was it included in closing documents.

My question is about her obligations as a life estate tenant, and our rights as property owners.

1. Is she obligated to pay a portion of taxes and insurance?

2. Is she obligated to pay for repairs/maintenance of the house that she has the right to occupy until her death?

3. If she becomes incapacitated in any manner, do we have any rights to suggest or require that she vacate the house and at such a time can we occupy it or rent it to another party? Or does she have full rights to the house until the day she dies, even if she cannot live on her own (i.e. if she needs to go to assisted living, the house would need to remain vacant until she dies)?

Any thoughts or assistance welcome.

Life Estates: Obligations of Non-Family Life Estate Tenant

Evidence: Filing for Child Support with Minimal Information on Father

My question involves court procedures for the state of: Minnesota

How would I go about filing child support when my baby is born if I do not know the father's last name?

I know his first name and the city he's from, but that's basically all I know. He's also from a very large city. I became pregnant as a result of a one night stand. We used a condom but it must have broken without him letting me know. He is basically a stranger to me but if I'm going to raise this child I will need child support.

Would it be possible to subpoena the bar's CCTV and/or credit card logs to help identify this man?

Evidence: Filing for Child Support with Minimal Information on Father

Establishing an Order: Child Support when I Only Know Father's First Name

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Minnesota

How would I go about filing child support when my baby is born if I do not know the father's last name?

I know his first name and the city he's from, but that's basically all I know. He's also from a very large city. I became pregnant as a result of a one night stand. We used a condom but it must have broken without him letting me know. He is basically a stranger to me but if I'm going to raise this child I will need child support.

Would it be possible to subpoena the bar's CCTV and/or credit card logs to help identify this man?

Establishing an Order: Child Support when I Only Know Father's First Name

Establishing Paternity: Finding Father Only Know First Name

My question involves paternity law for the State of: Minnesota

How would I go about filing child support when my baby is born if I do not know the father's last name?

I know his first name and the city he's from, but that's basically all I know. He's also from a very large city. I became pregnant as a result of a one night stand. We used a condom but it must have broken without him letting me know. He is basically a stranger to me but if I'm going to raise this child I will need child support.

Would it be possible to subpoena the bar's CCTV and/or credit card logs to help identify this man?

Establishing Paternity: Finding Father Only Know First Name

Transfer of Title: Dealer/Collection Agency Won't Give Title

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: California

I had a car loan over 10 years ago. I defaulted on the last 3 payments. They never repossesed the car. When I tried to pay the loan off they said they wrote the loan off and so they can't accept payment but refuse to give me title. I've tried calling salvage places, donating, everything and no one will take without a title. I can't pay the car off to get title, I can't get the loan place to give me title. What do I do to get rid of this junk car in my driveway?

Transfer of Title: Dealer/Collection Agency Won't Give Title

Maintaining an Easement

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Texas I have about a mile of road through my property through which 3 different owners access their property. There is no actual easement in writing and I am not trying to not give them access to their properties. The owners do not live on the properties. This is rural Texas and it is mostly used for hunting and recreation. This is just a gravel and dirt road. I have maintained it for over 20 years without any physical or monetary help from any of them. I am now getting up in age and am tired of fixing it every time it floods. The families of the properties seem to think since I own the road it is my responsibility to maintain it. I sent them a letter that from now on if they want the road fixed they can do it themselves or hire someone to fix it. Is this OK?

Maintaining an Easement

mercredi 26 septembre 2018

He Built a Fence Between Where Each of Our Deeds End, and on My Land

My question involves real estate located in the State of: Massachusetts

I live in a small condominium building in Massachusetts, and someone bought the building next door and is changing it to apartments. The buildings are only 4.5-5’ (feet) apart at the rear. Each of our deed surveys show the property line to be 1.5 feet from our houses. They added a door from their house, with this passage being the access from it to parking in the rear. They have built a fence about less than 2 feet from the end of my house in this passage, and it extends to the rear of the property along the old fence line, which his survey shows to be 2’ into my property further back

What’s the deal with the no-man's zone between what our two deeds show to be our property? Does he have the right to put a fence and cobblestones there if we object? How does one object about the property line further back, if we want the fence moved? If I have him sign a document in which he agrees that the fence is partly on my land, and I give him license to have it there, does that remove risk of adverse possession? Does that reduce the case for already existing adverse possession?

Thank you.

He Built a Fence Between Where Each of Our Deeds End, and on My Land

Found Serious Foundation Issue Right After Purchasing the House

My question involves real estate located in the State of: California, U.S.

Hello everyone. I'm living in Bay Are, California. I bought a house couple months ago, and after moving in, I found there's serious foundation cracks and settlements in the concrete slab (most of those ares in question were covered with furnitures during staging house). Couple foundation professional came to the house recently for inspection and they both agreed that the foundation has serious settlement issues and need to be fixed as soon as possible, the quote for the foundation repair project is 60K & 70K respectively.

I'm feeling so depressed these days by this, I'm wondering what I can do for this? Here're something about this purchase:

1) The seller didn't disclose anything in the disclosure report, she basically said she was not aware of any foundation issue for the house (it's a trustee sale, the house belonged to her parents, who passed away earlier this year, so she became the seller of the house. I feel like she's pretty familiar with the house during my interactions with her, she grew up there and probably been visiting her parents from time to time thereafter, as I guess, since she lives just a few blocks away from the house). The house was newly repainted right before sale, and there were obviously bunch of paintings & fixes (say, with a piece of wood) trying to cover the cracks on the wall - there's no way she's not aware of the foundation issues. And these cracks, according to foundation professionals, are good indicator of foundation issues. They also found there's a few large cracks in the concrete slab, which resulted in settlement in areas like fireplace, which has to be fixed right now.

2) The seller's inspection report also minimized the foundation issue(please see below), it said "there's no standard or measurement to determine when corrective measures should be taken", however, both of my foundation professionals said the industry standard is 1 inch over 20 feet, beyond that, the settlement has to be fixed as soon as possible. And the worst part of my house has settlement of 2.6 inches over 30 feet.

"The condition of the walls and the ceilings within the building do not reflect any signs of unusual or excessive settlement or structural failure. The lower level floors at several locations have evidence of minor crowning and minor sloping. These conditions appear to be the result of settlement and do not appear to be unusual considering the age of the building. However, we cannot confirm if the conditions have stabilized. Since there is no standard or measurement to determine when corrective measures should be taken, it becomes a personal decision. Please be sure to make your own evaluation to determine if the present level of floor crowning and sloping is acceptable."

3) The seller's agent double ended so she represent both seller and me in this deal, she said she was not aware of any foundation issue with the house. She didn't suggest me to do my own inspection in this purchase, but she helped set up an inspection go-through with seller's inspector, who didn't mention any foundation issues either.

4) The seller's agent (also my agent), called me today, that neither she nor the seller were aware of the foundation issue but she felt so sorry. She asked me to go after inspection company, but also mentioned that it could be very difficult to win. She also said that it's my own responsibility to do my own inspection, which I didn't do. But is she supposed to represent my best interest and suggest me to do during the purchase?

I don't feel it's fair for me to accept this reality and pay the repair project out of my own pocket. Could you guys please suggest, if I want to sue someone, who should I go after? Any suggestion or comment is hugely welcome.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Found Serious Foundation Issue Right After Purchasing the House

Sentencing: Advice with Pior Conviction

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Pennsylvania

At the time of my family member sentence the judge ask the United States Attorney "Did anyone testify to his prior drug conviction?" The United States Attorney answered "Yes, someone did testify to the prior drug conviction". We have the lady's testimony to show that she never testified that my family member had a prior drug conviction. She only testified to a finger print card to show that it was family member finger prints that matched the finger prints on the gun. The pior drug conviction added an extra 10 years to the sentence.
Any advice here will be helpful.

Sentencing: Advice with Pior Conviction

Retailers: Automotive Aftermarket Parts Company / Liability for Customers Modifying Their Cars

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Arizona / Nationwide

We are are an aftermarket parts company based in Arizona, we sell "Hot Rod" parts to consumers all over the US. We currently have a customer who purchased a "Turbo Kit" (This is a kit designed to take a car that came OEM without a turbo system and apply an aftermarket system) and though we recommend professional installation this customer choose to install the kit them selves and with in a few days the customer reported that his motor was damaged and that he wants us to cover the cost of the repairs with the threat of a lawsuit.

How liable are we as the company who sold the kit?

thank you in advance

Retailers: Automotive Aftermarket Parts Company / Liability for Customers Modifying Their Cars

Modification of Custody: 14 Year Old, Only Child, Modification

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: TEXAS

Hello, I know this is a long shot but I have to try.

7 Years ago I lost custody of my daughter.
I was unable to hire an attorney to represent me, so I represented myself. His Attorney, recommended, picked and obtained an Amicus Attorney, at which the end of the custody hearing, my ex- husband paid her $5,000.00.
In turn, the Amicus Attorney only visited me at my home, once and then met me at coffee shop. That was the last I heard of her. The Amicus Attorney was supposed to visit my family, my job, school etc.. but that never happened.
The Amicus Attorney only visited, his job, his parents and their home.
During the hearing, I was only allowed 2 wittiness. Being afraid and ignorant of court room procedure, I agreed to whatever they told me.
Now I realize, I should have argued like Hell, to get my daughter but honestly it didn't make a difference.
It was devastating to myself and my daughter. She was 8 years old at the time.
Regardless, the verdict was that my daughter had to many school tardies.
I know it sounds like there should be more but there isn't. Court transcripts don't lie.

Over the past 7 years, my daughter has lived a very isolated life. She has no friends, no family (his side), no outside activities such as sports just school based activities that take place only at school.
Recently, her father remarried, they have only been married a year when his new wife decided that she wanted to move to another city, without them, stay married to my ex, and pursue another career. She told me she will not be coming back.
Although, I can not say my daughter has been neglected as far as clothes, food, medical care and shelter.
But she's has been thru so much. She has no help, no friends, no connections and no support system.
She's been bullied severely at the district she is in, by boys and girls so much that the stress is getting to her.
I'm at a loss.
I want my daughter moved to another school district where she can have friends and a life outside her room.
I'm a Teacher and I live within my means. It's been a difficult road.
I would like some direction on how I can get my daughter moved to another school.

Thank you
I appreciate your time
I just hope there is someone out there able to give me some solid advise (other than get a lawyer)

(Please no judgement: this is already difficult and although you may not believe it. This had to do with money, nothing more)

Modification of Custody: 14 Year Old, Only Child, Modification

Federal Taxes: Ein Revocable to Irrevocable Questions and IRS Website

I'm confused. My mother passed away with a revocable trust my stepfather is trustee of. One bank had no issues transferring assets with a death certificate. Broker says we have to have an EIN.

Trust says it becomes Irrevocable at Grantor's death. I assume that's just automatic?
Does Jane Doe Rev Trust DTD 1/1/90 become
Jane Doe Irrevocable Trust DTD 1/1/90 or does date change to be the day she died or some other date (first asset to xfer?)

I tried applying for an EIN online with the Trustee but we got stuck.
Legal name of Irrevocable Trust* Jane Doe Rev Trust 01011990
**Does date stay when it was first funded in 1990 or some new date**

Date Trust funded
**I guess technically the trust had assets before and converted at her death, so was it funded at death or some other date?**

This whole process has been frustrating, I appreciate any thoughts.

Federal Taxes: Ein Revocable to Irrevocable Questions and IRS Website

Life Insurance: Delayed Life Insurance Payment

My question involves life insurance law for the state of; Nevada? Maybe Illinois.

I live in California. My older brother, who lived in Las Vegas passed away.

In early May, I got a letter from an insurance company (headquartered in Illinois) explaining that he had a life insurance policy from the union that he worked for in Las Vegas and that I am the beneficiary. I provided the company with the forms they sent and a death certificate on May 15th and was told that I would receive a check in about two weeks. As of today, 9/25, I have not received that payment.

I've spoken with the contact person several times inquiring about what might be the delay. She has been polite, but somewhat vague…telling me that a committee needed to have a meeting to decide about the payment…saying sometimes they are just about to and at others, thinking that maybe they just did and each time that she would let me know as soon as she did. I’ve been patient and waited. Recently she called me to let me know that she (thought she had) approval and authorized a check to be sent, but later that day was told that there was no approval and that she stopped payment on the (just sent) check…and warned me not to try to cash it. At that time, I pressed a bit about what was going on and why this was taking so long to finalize. She told me (vaguely) that there were two companies involved…something about how the policy ‘moved’ from one company to the other (I suppose through some kind of merger or acquisition)…again, she was somewhat vague about how this came about…whether through not knowing or not wanting to say.

My question is WHY can not two insurance companies make a decision about paying policies that they share some responsibility for…or that one or the other has full responsibility for given a merger or acquisition? WHY would this take so long? WHAT might be going on here? And WHAT might you suggest that I do? I was never sent a copy of the insurance policy…is this something that I should request?

Life Insurance: Delayed Life Insurance Payment

Business Disputes: Is a Stop Payment on a Check for Services Rendered Illegal in Pa

My question involves business law in the state of: Pennsylvania. Is it illegal in the state of PA to put a stop payment on a check for services rendered? I want to verify I'm right before I send out a letter to the 'customer'. I put customer in quotes because we still haven't been paid. I'm calling it a stop payment on services rendered because there's no product that we can take back. I don't want to go into a lot of detail, but I work for a metal fabrication shop and we did a lot of work on this woman's horse trailer. After she picked up her trailer, she tried to say that our work on her trailer caused a part on her truck to fail so she put a stop payment on her check. We are saying the part on her truck failed because of the way her trailer hitch was wired, so the fault lies in the workmanship of the person who did the wiring on her trailer hitch not our workmanship. I haven't finished my research on that aspect, but I'm pretty sure I can prove that the fault is in the trailer hitch. However, that's not the point, she put a stop payment on a check for services rendered and I thought that was illegal in PA. My instinct tells me that she did it to ensure that the situation would be resolved and she felt that her check was her only leverage. My preliminary research says that her leverage is her right to sue and that the stop payment is illegal. I figure since I have this website at my fingertips, I should verify my thoughts. Thanks to all that help me in this.

Business Disputes: Is a Stop Payment on a Check for Services Rendered Illegal in Pa

Behavior Issues: A 15yr Old Kid Accidentally Sent a Large Number of Images to His School

My question involves juvenile law in the State of: California

a 15 yr old kid sent a large number of images to a group chat involving most of his school(high school) . the images were of a painting of Shakespeare zoomed in on his crotch where a bulge was visable. and now a parent who was also in the group chat is threatening to press charges. will there charges have any chance of being passed.

Behavior Issues: A 15yr Old Kid Accidentally Sent a Large Number of Images to His School

Does Old Marijuana Possession Case in Italy Jeopardize My Travel in Europe

When I was a college student studying abroad in Italy 25 years ago, I was briefly detained while entering the country via train with about two grams of cannabis following a weekend trip to Amsterdam. Yes, a dumb move, I know. Of course, I’m a much more responsible, middle-aged married father of two now, and I want to take my family to Italy as part of a planned trip next year to several European countries. My dilemma is this:

Way back when, I was given a distant court date in Italy for the drug case. But my study abroad program ended long before my court date, and when it did, I left the country to return to the states. As I missed my court date, I have no idea what happened with my case. I’ve returned to Europe since then, traveling to Spain in 2005 with no troubles, but I’ve yet to go back to Italy. If I do, will I be arrested upon entry or, say, when I give my passport to a pensione or hotel? Would I have any other potential problems in other EU countries? Short of serving out a sentence in an Italian jail for a stupid college kid’s mistake from 25 years ago, how can I resolve this ?

Does Old Marijuana Possession Case in Italy Jeopardize My Travel in Europe

mardi 25 septembre 2018

Criminal Law Issues: How Can I Obtain a Certified Police Report for USCIS After My Case Has Been Expunged

Back in 2015, I was arrested and charged with a third degree battery charge. However, my case was dismissed and I was found not guilty. I also had my case expunged shortly after. Couple days ago, I and my husband had an interview with the USCIS regarding my application to register permanent residence. (he is a citizen) The interview went well ( at least that's what we thought.) She (USCIS officer) collected some of our pictures, bank statements, and phone logs. She also kept the court disposition, in which specified that the court has no record of my violation. However, the officer required us to provide the certified police report for my arrest in 2015 in order for them to process my application. My case has been sealed so no place has excess to my file anymore. Therefore I cant obtain my police report either at the police department in the city where the arrest took place or at the courthouse. What should I do now? Do I have to have my case unsealed or just have the police department written a certified statement in which states that they have no record of mine?

Criminal Law Issues: How Can I Obtain a Certified Police Report for USCIS After My Case Has Been Expunged

Legal Permanent Residency: How Can I Obtain a Certified Police Report for USCIS After My Case Has Been Expunged

Back in 2015, I was arrested and charged with a third degree battery charge. However, my case was dismissed and I was found not guilty. I also had my case expunged shortly after. Couple days ago, I and my husband had an interview with the USCIS regarding my application to register permanent residence. (he is a citizen) The interview went well ( at least that's what we thought.) She (USCIS officer) collected some of our pictures, bank statements, and phone logs. She also kept the court disposition, in which specified that the court has no record of my violation. However, the officer required us to provide the certified police report for my arrest in 2015 in order for them to process my application. My case has been sealed so no place has excess to my file anymore. Therefore I cant obtain my police report either at the police department in the city where the arrest took place or at the courthouse. What should I do now? Do I have to have my case unsealed or just have the police department written a certified statement in which states that they have no record of mine?

Legal Permanent Residency: How Can I Obtain a Certified Police Report for USCIS After My Case Has Been Expunged

Defamation: Statute of Limitations

My question involves defamation in the state of: New York.

What is the statue of limitations on defamation in New York State?

Defamation: Statute of Limitations

My Son's Dad Lied in Court Saying He Had Me Served. I Never Knew of a Court Hearing

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: nevada. What will happen when I go to court and tell the judge the reason I was never at court was becsused I never got served? My son's dad and my grandma both went to court to get custody of my son while he lived with me and his dad won custody of him but he still lived with me . He only did it to please my grandma as he never really has him with him I still see my son but it's less and less and his dad now knows that I know about the custody he got illegally . So he won't let me see my son now I'm goingnto go to court and I'll tell them that he never had me served as ND he he lived with me and I never even aware of him going to court And he still lived w me even after he went to court I found out cause he was drunk one night and he accidently said something about being at court with my family. will my son's dad go to jail for perjury ?

My Son's Dad Lied in Court Saying He Had Me Served. I Never Knew of a Court Hearing

Traffic Court Issues: Missed the 20 Days

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Colorado
Hello I received a traffic ticket for speeding a few weeks back and unfortunately forgot about it until today. I got online to pay the ticket and wasn't able to, I looked at the date and its been 21 days since the ticket issue.. Id very much like to just pay the ticket and avoid court even if there are some bonus fees or some other additional cost. I still have more than a month until my court appearance but id like to get this over with. What are my options at the moment? Do I have any or do I have to appear in court now? Thankyou for your help!

Traffic Court Issues: Missed the 20 Days

Parking Lot Signage

Sacramento State has a parking lot located off campus that, per their website, requires a permit to park however there are no signs anywhere on the property or at the single driveway entrance stating that it is under Sac State jurisdiction. Are there any laws or ordinances requiring signage on this kind of lot? Otherwise it appears to be something akin to a parking lot revenue trap of which I fell victim to and after losing the 1st appeal , I had to pay the ticket to do a 2nd level appeal in person to have the ticket cancelled. I'm assuming they reversed the ticket because they were in the wrong but they officially couldn't admit it. There still isn't any signage a year or so later. Again, shouldn't there be a sign alerting motorists of the jurisdictional authority sac state has over the lot that is not gated?

Parking Lot Signage

Can I Share My Pizza Delivery Guy


Let me explain my issue, I own a pizzeria with two employees which are here to take care of the deliveries. It happens that some nights one of my delivery guy has only a few deliveries to make. Not far from my pizzeria is the restaurant of my friend who needs an extra delivery guy but doesn't needs it enough to buy the equipment and hire someone.

Is it possible that my delivery guy takes care of some deliveries of my friend's restaurant when I have no order from my pizzeria for him to deliver ? This would allow me to lose less money by having him doing some deliveries for my friends restaurant rather than keeping him inactive at my pizzeria.

Can I Share My Pizza Delivery Guy

Probate Court Procedure: Will Probate or Lack of Will

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: Texas A friend of mine Father passed away a little over 4 years ago. My friend and his Father did not get along very well. My friends son whom he also does not get along with moved into the Grandfathers home a few years before the passing. A will if there is one has not been probated. The home is still in the deceased name. For some reason my friend will not go and confront his son as to what is going on. He has contacted a lawyer and said it would be wise to wait a few more months to start any legal action. That would make it over 4 and a half years. Is this normal?

Probate Court Procedure: Will Probate or Lack of Will

Estate Planning Issues: End Life Estate to Make Way for Living Trust

My question involves proceedings in Shasta County in the sate of California:

Back in the 1990's my mother set up a Life Estate, and gave her home to me, allowing her to remain there the rest of her life.

We under the impression that what was basically set up was a Homestead.

My mother is advanced in age now, unable to liver on her own so my wife and I took her into our home.

We wanted to sell this to our children (my mother's wishes as well), but cannot with this Life Estate in effect.

This came to light when recently we tried to get a Living Trust.

The attorney told us that Life Estate and Living Trust were much the same, and to keep the Life Estate in force.

After looking into the matter ourselves, we all want to get out of the Life Estate ASAP.

I know about the setting up of a Living Trust, but I am just interested in focusing on terminating the Life Estate.

My mother and I both agree the Life Estate needs to be terminated, but those we've talked to say either being a "Life" Estate means its irrevocable, while others say it's just a big headache to terminate.

I'm doubtful that it's irrevocable, and whether it's a headache or not, we need to get it done.

I would appreciate if someone could at least provide the steps of what is required to terminate the Life Estate so we can put the property into a Living Trust.

Thank you for any help.

Estate Planning Issues: End Life Estate to Make Way for Living Trust

Named Individuals on the Lease

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: South Carolina
Are all adults listed on a lease legally obligated to sign the lease and are they also held legally accountable for the terms of the lease to include being named in any legal action against the tenants?

Named Individuals on the Lease

Getting Fired: Arbritration Agreement

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: FL

The employer in question has a mandatory Arbitration requirement.

The employer covers the cost of the Arbitration.

How can an Arbitrator remain neutral when they're paid by the employer?

Sounds like when an employee is compelled to sign an arbitration agreement in order to get hired, they waive their right to a trial as well as any and all employment law statutes, is that accurate?

It's like going to a doctor or a hair stylist or a restaurant that states: "Sign this hold harmless, neutrality settlement request" before entering this zone.

The results of an Arbitration are final and binding.

Makes sense to hire an attorney then.

Getting Fired: Arbritration Agreement

Out of State Marijuana Possession Charge

My question involves criminal law for the state of:

Out of State Marijuana Possession Charge

Recording Title Timeshare, Deed Never Recorded

My question involves real estate located in the State of RI:

My wife and I purchased a time share about 15 years go and had since paid it off. Recently we asked the time share company to perform a deed back and after 3 years, they agreed. When I asked them for confirmation that we are no longer on the deed they provided the following information:

"I’ve gone over the deeds at Town Hall and the story just gets better. Your original deed from <timeshare> to you and <mywife> was never recorded at the Clerks office. We do not know why, but there was a group that were never completed. Therefore, there is no way to record the deed from you to the <timeshare> and there is no recorded document that I may present to you. I have countersigned your deed as Vice President of the <timeshare> that the Deed Back was accepted and in full force. It is attached to this e-mail."

Given that the deed was never recorded, did we ever own the timeshare? Can we sue argue that they should reimburse us for the unit or at least the recording fee plus interest?


Recording Title Timeshare, Deed Never Recorded

Georgia Landlord Intent to Break Lease

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Georgia. My landlord informed us on the 5th of the month that she was selling the home because she can't afford the property taxes. She then said we need to be out by the end of the month. This was done via phone. Upon review of the lease, she added a blurb that she can break the lease however it must be in writing and received by the 1st of the month. If not, then it would take effect on the first of the following month.

Since then, there have been numerous texts between the landlord and my roommate but no actual letter in the mail. Do text messages qualify as "in writing". If so, since we were notified on 9/5, we're not legally required to move until 10/31, correct?

On a sidenote, we were told an inspector was coming to check the rental so things can be fixed. We found out with the phone call that she was an appraiser taking pics. The landlord wants to do a quick sale and promised the rental would be empty.

Please help

Georgia Landlord Intent to Break Lease

lundi 24 septembre 2018

Can Biological Mother Legally Dictate What a Step Parent is Allowed to Do with Kids

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: California

I am a stepmother to two children, ages 2 and 3, recently their biological mother told me and my husband that I was not allowed to drive the children and they could only ride in the car when my husband was driving since I got into a minor car accident. Does she have any legal grounds to dictate this to us? We are worried she will try to take my husband to court again for full custody. She is erratic and the last time she filed for full custody was done because my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, let her know as a courtesy that he would be introducing me to the kids because our relationship was serious. My husband has 50/50 legal and physical custody.

A more general question: can she dictate anything to myself or my husband about how we spend our time with the children? Does she have any legal right to force us to do things her way? Or is my husbands time with them strictly his time and she has no say in how it is to be spent? (Other than court agreed upon stipulations such as leaving the home county without written permission?)

Can Biological Mother Legally Dictate What a Step Parent is Allowed to Do with Kids

Appeals: My Bros: Critique Part of My Appeal of a Speeding Tickets

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Insanity (CA)

Only (1), (2), (3) & (4) appeal below. Other parts are "under construction."

(1) Summary of Facts
(2) Questions Presented
(3) Summary of Arguments
(4) Argument: Lack of Substantial Evidence
(5) Argument: Prejudicial Error {Citing Officer’s Training}
(6) Argument: Prejudicial Error {Informal Discovery Request}
(7) Argument: Prejudicial Error {Denial of Continuance}
(8) Argument: Prejudicial Error {Leading Question about RADAR}


Preliminary Issues
Before trial, Appellant served an Informal Discovery Request on San Bernardino County’s District Attorney. But it failed to respond. Thereafter, Appellant served Citing Officer’s agency. Most documents were mailed to Appellant. But some were not, including CO’s certifications in RADAR or visual-estimation of speed. Shortly before trial, however, CO presented Appellant with the missing documents. Appellant then requested a one-week continuance for document review. But the Court denied the request. Instead, Appellant (in Pro Per) received a short recess, not only to examine multiple pages of new information, but also to figure out how to use them for cross-examination questions.

The Court subsequently reviewed Appellant’s Informal Discovery Request. One request sought “Names & addresses of prosecution witnesses likely to testify at trial.” CO’s agency’s responded in writing with “none." After reading “none” aloud, the Court pointed at the CO, saying, “That’s him.”

Citation and Trial
Citation Date: XXX
Citing Agency: XXX
Citing Officer: XXX (“CO")
Appellant’s Vehicle: Silver, Nissan Sentra
Trial Date: XXX

Hiding behind a mountain-like structure on I-15N, Citing Officer (“CO”) sat in a stationary patrol unit, using his driver’s side mirror to watch northbound traffic. From a substantial distance, CO saw a northbound “Subject Vehicle” (of unknown characteristics), not only traveling fast in a #3 lane, but also passing several vehicles. CO visually estimated the Subject Vehicle’s speed at 110 m.p.h. Thereafter, he activated rear RADAR, obtaining speeds of 109 m.p.h and 110 m.p.h. Much later, CO stopped a silver, Nissan Sentra, issuing a citation for an infraction violation of Vehicle Code 22348(b): Driving a vehicle at greater than 100 m.p.h. on a Highway.

Under cross examination, CO testified that, although his notes mentioned “1000 ft.,” he had obtained speed measurements of the Subject Vehicle at “probably much greater than 1000 ft.”

CO also admitted a couple of weaknesses. First, his most recent visual-estimation-of-speed training had occurred more than (14) fourteen years before citation date. Second, he lacked training in visual estimation of speed at a distance greater than 900 ft. The Court subsequently trivialized those deficiencies, asserting that the CO had performed many visual estimations of speed as a CHP officer.

CO went on to admit that, before obtaining any speed measurements (whether visual or electronic), he had not identified the Subject Vehicle by its characteristics (color, size, class, etc.).

Appellant then informed the Court that, in obtaining electronic speed readings (of both 109 m.p.h. and 110 m.p.h), CO had used RADAR at least 1000 ft. away. At that distance, the RADAR’s beam covered all lanes of I-15N. Neither the CO nor the Court contested Appellant’s information.

Thereafter, CO admitted he had not testified that (a) the Subject Vehicle had left the #3 lane, (b) had ever spent time in a #4 lane, or (c) had ever moved from the #4 lane to the #3 lane. Finally, CO admitted that Exit #138 was available to the Subject Vehicle.

Appellant went on to present video, showing his silver, Nissan Sentra’s traveling in the #4 lane. The video also showed Appellant’s vehicle’s traveling in the #3 lane (after switching from the #4 lane), without passing any vehicles.

Thereafter, the Court asked (while referring to Appellant’s video), “Is that white speck there you?" “Yes, or it could be from a different stop,” said the CO. The Court then asked, “Did you use RADAR there?" After CO said, “yes," the Court found Appellant guilty of CVC 22348(b).

Questions Presented






Summary of Argument

First, the Court erred in convicting defendant of CVC 22348(b), since no substantial evidence supported that finding. As a result, the conviction (and penalties) violated either due process or equal protection, under either California or federal law.

Second, the Court committed prejudicial error in trivializing CO’s training deficiencies. This error harmed Appellant, since the Court assumed a role of prosecutor, showing favoritism toward the People. As a result, he suffered an unfair trial, violating either due process or equal protection, under either California or federal law.

Third, the Court committed prejudicial error by intentionally misinterpreting a response to Appellant’s Informal Discovery Request. This error harmed Appellant, since the Court assumed a role of prosecutor, showing favoritism to the People. As a result, he suffered an unfair trial, violating either due process or equal protection, under either California or federal law.

Fourth, the Court committed prejudicial error by denying Appellant a one-week continuance for document review, since his request constituted “good cause.” This error harmed Appellant’s preparation of his defense, violating either due process or equal protection, under either California or federal law.

Lastly, the Court committed prejudicial error by asking CO a leading question about RADAR. This error harmed Appellant, since the Court assumed a role of prosecutor, showing favoritism toward the People. As a result, he suffered an unfair trial, violating either due process or equal protection, under either California or federal law.


The appellate court can review this portion of Appellant’s appeal without deference to the lower court, since “the existence or nonexistence of substantial evidence is a question of law” {Mau v. Hollywood Commercial Buildings, Inc., 194 Cal. App. 2d 459, 466 (1961)}.



The Court erred in finding Appellant guilty of Vehicle Code 22348(b), since no visual-estimate-of-speed evidence supported that finding.

Citing Officer (“CO”) visually estimated speed of the Subject Vehicle (at a distance much greater than 1000 ft.), before he knew its characteristics (color, size, class, etc.). In fact, under cross examination, CO admitted to a visual estimate of (1) a Subject Vehicle, not a “silver vehicle,” (2) a Subject Vehicle, not a “silver sedan," and (3) a Subject Vehicle, not a “silver Nissan Sentra."

By not tying the single, visual estimate of 110 m.p.h. to a silver, Nissan Sentra, CO failed to show that the visual estimate belonged to Appellant’s vehicle. CO’s testimony merely established that some vehicle, of unknown color, unknown size and unknown class, had driven approximately 110 m.p.h on a highway. That testimony failed to show that Appellant had violated VC 22348(b).


The Court erred in accepting the CO’s visual estimation of speed, since his training did not support such an estimate. Shortly before trial, Appellant received documents from the CO, detailing his visual-estimation-of-speed training. CO subsequently admitted, under cross examination, that he had visually estimated the unknown Subject Vehicle from a distance much greater than 1000 ft. Nevertheless, the CO also admitted, under cross examination, that his most recent visual-estimation-of-speed training, from more than (14) fourteen years earlier, involved no distance greater than 900 ft. Therefore, the CO’s visual estimate of 110 m.p.h. could not reasonably support a conviction of 22348(b), since the visual estimate occurred at a distance not supported by CO’s training.


The Court erred in finding Appellant guilty of Vehicle Code 22348(b), since no electronic speed measurements supported that finding. According to both CO’s notes and testimony, RADAR readings captured an unidentified Subject Vehicle’s speeds from a distance of at least 1000 ft. Appellant subsequently informed the Court that, at that range, the RADAR beam covered all lanes of I-15N. Afterwards, neither the Court nor the CO contested Appellant’s information.

Under cross examination, CO testified that, before obtaining either RADAR reading, he had not identified the Subject Vehicle by its characteristics (color, size, class, etc.). As a result, the CO failed to show that those RADAR readings belonged to Appellant’s silver, Nissan Sentra. Instead, the CO’s testimony merely established that, while in some lane, some vehicle, of unknown color, unknown size and unknown class, had driven either 109 m.p.h. or 110 m.p.h. That testimony failed to show that Appellant violated VC 22348(b).


Before changing his story, CO testified that, while traveling in a #3 lane, the unidentified Subject Vehicle passed several vehicles. Thereafter, Appellant presented a video, showing his silver, Nissan Sentra’s traveling a significant distance in a #4 lane. The video also showed Appellant’s vehicle’s traveling in a #3 lane (after moving from the #4 lane), without any vehicles present on either side of his silver, Nissan Sentra. Therefore, CO had to have seen his Subject Vehicle’s traveling in a #3 lane earlier.

If that vehicle were Appellant’s vehicle, and CO had kept a constant visual on it, he would have said so. His testimony would have looked something similar to:

**Beginning of Hypothetical Testimony**

“While traveling in a #3 lane, the Subject Vehicle traveled fast, while passing several vehicles. I visually estimated its speed at 110 m.p.h. Shortly thereafter, I activated my rear RADAR, obtaining speed readings of 109 m.p.h. and 110 m.p.h. The Subject Vehicle subsequently moved from the #3 lane to a #4 lane, traveling for some time therein. Afterwards, the Subject Vehicle moved from the #4 lane to the #3 lane, passing by my patrol unit shortly thereafter.”

**End of Hypothetical Testimony**

But CO provided no such testimony, at least not at first. After seeing defendant’s video, however, CO changed his story, claiming he had seen the Subject Vehicle in the #4 lane all along. Nevertheless, his original testimony provided a better indicator of truth, reflecting his personal recollection of events. (His revision should be ignored, since it emerged after an introduction of video evidence unfavorable to his initial story).

Earlier, CO admitted to speed measurements (both visual and electronic) of an unknown Subject Vehicle, not of a vehicle identified by its characteristics (color, size, class, etc.). He had also admitted that, for sometime thereafter, the Subject Vehicle enjoyed access to Exit 138.

Here, the CO failed to show a “constant visual” on the unknown Subject Vehicle. Therefore, the CO did not provide a seamless narrative that connected the Subject Vehicle to Appellant’s vehicle. Without providing an uninterrupted connection, the CO failed to show that Appellant had driven his silver, Nissan Sentra at greater than 100 m.p.h.


Given CO’s deficient testimony, the Court asked (while looking at Appellant’s video), “Is that white speck there you?" “Yes, or it could be from a different stop," said the CO. The Court then asked, “Did you use RADAR on Appellant’s vehicle there? “Yes,” said the CO.

But the CO failed to follow up his “yes" with a speed reading. Therefore, his (coached) testimony established nothing legally significant.

These facts still remained unchanged: The only RADAR readings on record (109 m.p.h. and 110 m.p.h). had come not only from a distance of at least 1000 ft., but also from an unidentified Subject Vehicle. No RADAR reading on record had come from a vehicle identified by its characteristics (color, size, class, etc.). Therefore, mere RADAR “usage” on Appellant’s vehicle (as it passed by the patrol unit) failed to show that he had exceeded 100 m.p.h. on a highway. All CO’s testimony showed was that, as Appellant’s vehicle had passed by, the RADAR unit displayed some speed.

Of course, inferences may constitute substantial evidence. Here’s the Court’s apparent reasoning and inference in this case:

**Beginning of Court’s Apparent Reasoning and Inference**

RADAR was used on Appellant’s vehicle as it passed by the patrol unit, although the CO did not establish that his patrol vehicle even appeared in Appellant’s video. What’s more, the CO failed to state what speed reading was displayed on the RADAR unit at that moment. Therefore, Appellant drove greater than 100 m.p.h. on a highway.

**End of Example of Court’s Apparent Reasoning and Inference**

Such reasoning is absurd, since mere “usage” of RADAR could mean that the CO had obtained a speed measurement not greater than 100 m.p.h. For that reason, the court’s inference failed to pass tests of both logic and reasonableness {Roddenberry v. Roddenberry, 44 Cal. App. 4th 634, 651-52 (1996)} That inference was, therefore, not a reasonable basis for finding Appellant guilty of exceeding 100 m.p.h. on a highway.


The entire record shows that some vehicle, of unknown color, unknown size, and unknown class had exceeded 100 m.p.h. CO not only obtained all speed measurements from an unknown Subject Vehicle, but also from a distance not supported by his training. Even worse, he failed to connect any speed measurements to Appellant’s silver, Nissan Sentra (or to any specific vehicle).

CO’s only “evidence” came after coaching by the Court. That “evidence” did not support an infraction violation, however, since CO merely established RADAR “usage." No speed measurement was provided, rendering the affirmation of “usage” useless for a conviction of VC 22348(b).

Given that the horrendous quality of evidence against Appellant is “wholly unacceptable to reasonable minds," no rational fact finder could have found Appellant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (Kircher v. Atchison, T. & SF Railway Co., 32 Cal. 2d 176 - Cal: Supreme Court 1948).

As a result, Appellant suffered a conviction, based on a lack of substantial evidence. That conviction violated either due process or equal protection under either California or federal law {CA Constitution: Article 1, Section 7}, {People v. Johnson 26 Cal.3d 557, 578. (1980)}, {US Constitution: 14th Amendment}, {Jackson v. Virginia 443 U.S. 307. (1979)}. For those reasons, Appellant’s conviction demands a reversal.

Appeals: My Bros: Critique Part of My Appeal of a Speeding Tickets

State Taxes: How to Get California Tax Board Off the Back of an or Resident/Tax Payer

I am an OR resident and have been since 1983. I file taxes in OR and pay OR income taxes. I am an independent agent of 100s of communication services companies via a California master agent of those companies. Thanks to the master agent I have access to the products of the services companies, such as Verizon, AT&T, and etc. These services companies pay me a commission on their services I "sell" to my clients. These services companies send my commissions to the master agent, in CA, which takes a percentage of my commission and forwards the balance to me. The master agent files annually a 1099 advising the Feds of the amount they forwarded to me of my money.

California somehow got a copy of the 2016 1099 filed by my master agent and is now trying to con me into paying CA taxes because the master agent is in California.

I responded to the first inquiry with a list of all my clients with addresses showing NONE in CA and explaining I am an Oregon resident with NO CA clients and I pay Oregon income taxes. Now CA wants a copy of my 1040, my contract with the master agent, and much more.

I don't want to furnish anything more.

What are my rights?
May I tell CA to go suck an egg?
I pay my taxes to OR.
How can I get CA off my back?
Can Calif. come up to Oregon and get me?

If I had tons of $ I'd get an atty.


State Taxes: How to Get California Tax Board Off the Back of an or Resident/Tax Payer

Consumer Law Issues: Dog Trainer Issue

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Virginia

I recently signed a contract with a dog trainer that agreed to a minimum of 15 training sessions. I gave the trainer a key to my apartment as well as my extra fob to get in the building since he agreed to pick up my dog every Tuesday and Thursday to take her to his training facility. The dog has been picked up a total of three times and now the trainer is MIA. He wont answer any of my emails, phone calls, and texts. I am friends with him on his personal facebook page as well as his business page and he is active on both so I know he is not dead or ill. I contacted the other dog trainer who is new to the business (the trainer i am speaking about owns the business and it was just him running it when we signed up) said he hasn’t heard from him either and will let us know if he does. I contacted the new trainer today again in hopes of finding out if he has heard from the head trainer but he hasn’t responded to my text. I am not sure if I am being scammed out of my money or if this guy is just being a bad business owner. He has plenty of yelp, facebook, and google reviews about his business saying that the dogs he’s trained have completed the classes without issue. However, I recently came across a few reviews on BBB saying that he has done a similar thing to others, but it doesn’t say if the issues have been rectified. I am just concerned because I payed this trainer a lot of money with a singed contract of the services he was going to provide once paid the money. I would also like my extra key fob back for my apartment since my lease will be up soon and it’s a hefty charge for any keys/fobs that are not returned upon the lease ending. I am not sure what to legally do next since it seems it will have to go to that point. I have kept a paper of each phone call, text, and email sent to the trainer. Any advice would be great. If someone could explain the legal rights I have signed since I signed an official document with a personal business.

Consumer Law Issues: Dog Trainer Issue

Disestablishing Paternity: Which State to File

My question involves paternity law for the State of: PA and NJ

I live in PA, but the baby was born in NJ. I filed in PA where I live but the mother refuses to come to court for DNA testing. Should I filed in NJ to make her come? I have another court date in PA, what will the judge say to do next if she don’t show up? She have been served, she even called the courthouse to say she not coming. What to do next?

Disestablishing Paternity: Which State to File

Speeding Tickets: Defense

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: Indiana. I'm charged with violating I.C. Code 9-21-5-2(a)(1) which is exceeding 30 MPH in an urban district. Vehicle speed on the ticket said 45.

I requested a court date. I'm not sure if the officer used a radar and I was too flustered to ask at the time and I didn't respond when he asked if I knew how fast I was going. Is this a suitable defense?

The infraction occurred between two intersections with stop lights no more than a few hundred yards in a hilly area. I was at a complete stop at the first intersection and was just coming to speed before reaching the next intersection which required another stop. Also my car is a small 4 cylinder and I don't believe I was speeding given that I was just coming to speed from a complete stop, the hilly area and having to slow down prior to the next stop.

Speeding Tickets: Defense

Life Estates: Remainderman Rights - Can Locks Be Changed to Keep Him Out of House He Owns 25% of

My question involves real estate located in the State of: NY

My mother had a life estate for the house she lived in.

The beneficiaries are me and my 3 siblings.

My 3 siblings are also trustees of the trust.

I live out of town and was never notified of the meeting where they were made the trustees but had I known and been there - I prob would have been made a trustee too.

My mother died and my siblings/trustees changed the locks and will not allow me into they house.

Do they legally have the right to do this?

The never notified me ahead of time.

I also read that they were suppose to notifiy me of fact they were appointed trustees and also provide the trust documents. They never did this.

In addition - they refuse to discuss the locks on the door with me and refuse to give me a key.

What are my rights please?

Life Estates: Remainderman Rights - Can Locks Be Changed to Keep Him Out of House He Owns 25% of

Business Disputes: Shareholder Financial Obligation

My question involves business law in the state of: California

I invested in a startup business with five other shareholders. One shareholder resigned. The shareholders agreement should have been revised immediately after this to reflect that this shareholder (who was also on the board of directors) was no longer a shareholder, as well as a couple of other changes that were voted on and agreed to in shareholders meetings. The original shareholders agreement has not been revised and now another shareholder is suing the corporation in the hopes of getting their original investment back. I am not on the board of directors and I'm not an employee. The company isn't making any money and will likely have to file bankruptcy if the new lawsuit ends up going to court. My questions are:

1) If the shareholder's agreement was never revised, is the original shareholders agreement considered to still be in effect or are we considered to have no shareholders agreement since the original agreement is not accurate (due to voted on changes and a shareholder leaving). The original agreement says that all shareholders must make their best efforts to financially support the company.
2) As a shareholder, what are my financial obligations to a company that has no money but is being sued for a significant amount of money?

The company does have a corporate attorney, but I'm seeking advice for myself, not the corporation. I apologize if the answers are obvious, but business law is not my area of expertise.

Thank you in advance for any advice that you can give.

Business Disputes: Shareholder Financial Obligation

Guardianship Law

My question involves a person located in the state of:Arkansas

Guardianship Law

Rent and Utilities: Knowing the A.c. Unit Wasn't Sufficent but Didn't Replace It

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Louisiana I moved into a home and I love the home, but the electricity bill was and is very costly. Got the energy company to come out and check the meter and they said nothing was wrong with it, I noticed that the master bathroom's toilet water was attached to the toilet instead of the cold, they changed it out, but utility bill was still high. A contractor came out and looked at the a.c. unit, he advised me he told my landlord that this unit was outdated and advised him to get another one. He ignored the advice and now 2years later he's replacing it because I stated im on the verge of moving to a more energy efficient place. The unit presently is a 2ton and the replacement is a 5ton, that's the proper fit for the size house. Are they liable for the cost of the high utility bill I only asked that they help with the last 2 bills and he declined. My landlord also told me he know the unit isn't great he has gotten his use out of it and replacing it ,but what about the 2yrs of him knowing the extra financial strain he was putting on me and he done nothing about it

Rent and Utilities: Knowing the A.c. Unit Wasn't Sufficent but Didn't Replace It

Funeral Home Released My Husbands Ashes to an Unauthorized Person

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: Ohio

Funeral Home released my husbands ashes to an unauthorized person.

I made the final arrangements for my husband with a reputable funeral home and signed all the paperwork. While I was out of town, a friend of my husbands somehow was able to obtain my husbands ashes and his military flag from the funeral home. This person refuses to return them to me and my children. Please advise.

Funeral Home Released My Husbands Ashes to an Unauthorized Person

Medical Malpractice: Fiance

My question involves malpractice in the state of: Oklahoma. My fiance had a tubal litigation last year and has had serious problems since then. Constantly in extreme pain, menstrual cycles that last several weeks and off a few days and start again. She has been to three doctors, all of which work in the same network as the doctor who did the procedure. The latest doctor has said it could be scar tissue and build up in her uterus. He recommended removing the fallopian tubes and scraping the uterus walls. Now they want to do the surgery and correct it without confirming the cause or putting blame where we believe it should fall. I believe they are going to fix it without stating cause so we can't get a doctor to actually say it was malpractice and her gynecologist was to blame. Any advice? Should we get a second opinion? Find a doctor that doesn't work with the man we believe messed her up? Legal counsel?

Medical Malpractice: Fiance

Rental Agreements: Is Landlord Double-Dipping (Indiana)

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Indiana

Husband and I are breaking our lease due to his illness (we need to live closer to my job, so that I can respond faster to emergencies). Found a suitable rental soon after renewing current lease. Our current lease stipulates that, if we break our lease, we forfeit our damage deposit and must pay $75 for the number of months remaining in the lease (lease was renewed August 1, 2018). I was aware of the "$75 a month" clause, but didn't realize that we would also lose our deposit; just noticed it after digging out the lease while packing.

I assume there is no recourse at this point, since we signed the lease and therefore 'agreed' to the penalties for breaking our lease, but it seems a little like double-dipping -- particularly if landlord rents our current unit right away (and with there being a housing shortage in our area, so I'm sure it will be rented again in short order).

Can anyone advise if losing our deposit on top of a monthly fee is legal in the State of Indiana? I have Googled it, but can't seem to find anything that addresses both loss of damage deposit and the 10-month penalty fee.

Thank you for any insight.

Rental Agreements: Is Landlord Double-Dipping (Indiana)

Divorce: Moving During Divorce and Custody Proceedings

My question involves a marriage in the state of: Louisiana

Are there any rules, limits, restrictions, or stipulations that may arise during a divorce and custody dispute that involve the ability to move homes?

Divorce: Moving During Divorce and Custody Proceedings

Medical Billing

My question involves collection proceedings in the State of: MI

I had a minor outpatient procedure 3/2017 (I walked in and out in an hour, performed in the office setting). The physician was in-network and apparently used a mobile anesthesia group that was not in-network. I also had a secondary insurance, which apparently the anesthesia group does not participate in. I did speak with the doctor's office prior to the procedure asking what I would owe and was told it was all covered between the 2 insurances.

I received a bill 8/2018 from the anesthesia group stating I owed them $908 for the services. I did talk to them and they had excuse after excuse for not sending me a bill prior and requested that I speak with the insurance company to ask that they consider them in-network. I explained to them that even I knew insurances after a year generally do not accept claims or allow appeals, but they insisted that they had several clients that have done this. I did get a letter on 9/17/18 that indeed, it is way too late. So now because of negligence on all parties, they have sent the bill to collections after 1 billing cycle!

I have contacted the doctor's office twice with no return call and I plan on tomorrow going there to speak to them in person. I am willing to pay a portion but do not believe I should be responsible for anything higher than my deductible, which I think is more than fair ($250). Is this legal, what they are doing, by waiting to notify clients and they can no longer appeal to the insurance company?

Thank you so much for listening to me...

Medical Billing

dimanche 23 septembre 2018

False Light: Confused About Correct Title-Brother in Law Won't Produce Deceased Mother's Will

My question involves defamation in the state of: please direct me to the correct forum per my title-thanks

False Light: Confused About Correct Title-Brother in Law Won't Produce Deceased Mother's Will

Grades and Credits: Misleading Advertising on the Part of a College

My question involves education law in the State of: Maryland

I attended a certain community college for a specific career program. I declared my major, signed up for the program, met with a counselor, and registered for classes that fulfilled the program's requirements.

The college's website states that preference is given to students who live in-county, then to students who live in-state. I live in-state but not in-county. What wasn't revealed online is that only one person who lived out-of-county has ever been admitted into the program due to the highly competitive nature of the program, which also wasn't mentioned online.

Even though nothing I was told was technically false, I feel scammed. No one at the college gave me any indication that entry into this program would be essentially impossible for me; if I had know that, I never would have attended this college in the first place. My mom sent an email to the college expressing my concerns, and they gave a technical response that didn't actually address any of our concerns.

I don't want to be a part of the program anymore; I just don't want other people to make the same mistake. I learned all this information when I attended the information session, which they only hold every few months. (That's why I had to register for classes before attending). There were many other out-of-county students there who were just as shocked and broken-hearted as I was. Is there anything I can do about this?

Grades and Credits: Misleading Advertising on the Part of a College

Commercial Store

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: NYC hi this is jesth I’m Tenants of commercial Store( restaurant). I last month I spoke to my landlord about selling my store. Because I couldn’t making money there and he truly to ignore me. I been here almost 3 year Left 2 year now. It’s very hard to make money here. I’m kind of frustrated now. He is rude to me I explained him everything about my situation. I have bad medical conditions right now, Doctors Said that I have to rest. My question is can my landlord distory my lease or not ? Can one give me good idea please thank you .

Commercial Store

Suspension and Revocation: Nys Revoked Due to Accident with No Insurance

My question involves a driver's license issued by the State of: NYS

So here is the situation.

Moved overseas in 2016 and handed over my vehicle to my daughter in order for her to commute to work and college. In Oct 2017 Allstate cancelled my insurance due to the number of accidents on my policy. Didn't ever receive an email that the policy is cancelled as per Allstate a letter was mailed to the address on file where I don't live anymore. In Dec 2017 my daughter had a fender bender and of course no insurance as I found out my myself in Dec 2017 that we had no insurance.

So got new insurance, paid the civil penalty to NYS DMV for insurance lapse and other party for the damage on their car.

In Jul 2018 got a letter my NYS DMV that my license and my daughter license is revoked for 1 year due to driving with out insurance and accident.

So couple of questions

1 - Is there anyway to get my license back even though I wasn't driving the car but am only the registrant? Can I pay a fine and get the licence back?
2 - As I am not a NY resident anymore and live overseas can I use my foreign license to drive in NY when I travel for business?
3- As I live overseas I haven't been able to surrender the plates since, but will be doing it next month to cancel the registration. Is it possible to get a restricted license?
4- How long does revocation stay on your record?

Appreciate the response



Suspension and Revocation: Nys Revoked Due to Accident with No Insurance