jeudi 26 juillet 2018

Visitors and Guests: How to Remove Guests from the Home

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: California


I have a family which where originally invited into our home as they were down and out on their luck (lost their home). As a good person and the recommendations of a friend we allowed them to move in with the understanding that it would be for a period of 90 days or so. However its been now well over 90 days (9 months) and so far no sign of them leaving. The family have not been unfriendly or ungrateful and they are always very friendly, however they have little by little relocated almost all their belongings into the house (property). They do not pay rent or did we ever request it but they do pay the utilities.

At this time we have not requested them to leave but when we do we're very hopeful they will without any issues. But should they refuse to move out, what legal recourse would we have?


Visitors and Guests: How to Remove Guests from the Home

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