My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: California
I don’t know if is the right place but I have question
I went to Best Buy store in California and saw a computer I liked,under the computer I saw bunch of boxes that seems like he exactly same computer it was area just for them . I asked the worker if the display is the same as the box on the bottom he said yes so I picked it up asked how much is it they said 850 I asked can u repeat the specs she said 1060 I was like what wait why the display that connect there says 1070 and I checked the other specs on the display it’s also saying something else ,they told me this one is $1300
I am confused why to put something that look the same same manufacture on display connect to monitor that everyone can check out before buying than give you something less better
Isn’t it by law the required to sell it to me for the same price of the lower one?
I don’t know if is the right place but I have question
I went to Best Buy store in California and saw a computer I liked,under the computer I saw bunch of boxes that seems like he exactly same computer it was area just for them . I asked the worker if the display is the same as the box on the bottom he said yes so I picked it up asked how much is it they said 850 I asked can u repeat the specs she said 1060 I was like what wait why the display that connect there says 1070 and I checked the other specs on the display it’s also saying something else ,they told me this one is $1300
I am confused why to put something that look the same same manufacture on display connect to monitor that everyone can check out before buying than give you something less better
Isn’t it by law the required to sell it to me for the same price of the lower one?
Retailers: Computer in Best Buy
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