lundi 30 juillet 2018

Runaway Emancipation

My question involves juvenile law in the State of: Texas

I am 16. I will turn 17 in three months. I've never had a good relationship with my family. Mentally being there is not good for me.
My situation is complex.
My biological mother passed away and my biological father is out of the picture. My families have a history of mental illness and substance abuse. My biological mother was in and out of rehab and hospitals. I don't know much about my father.
I was in the foster system at 3 years old, due to my parents substance abuse. I went with my moms adoptive mother(family). My biological father got with a girl, never married her, had two kids with her. She got custody of me from my family. She was very mentally abusive. He first husband(I was in 6th grade) raped me and was an alcoholic .( Nothing was done ) she eventually divorced him and married another man,whom she cheated on her first husband with (mind you she cut off all contact with original family). Her personality changed with every man she was with. She was extremely abusive at this point, on a physical level now.
Eventually they gave me up to my other family they got custody of me from my biological fathers girlfriend (let's call her shay) Shay was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression among other things. I had developed suicidal tendencies.
I had a history of talking to people online. I guess I wanted the attention. I wanted to fall in love with someone.
(I' m including this because it is important to understand that the situations that escalated partly involve my own actions on this subject)
In both families everything was taken away from me. Doors, rights, privacy. It ended with constant fighting. Insults being thrown, belittling, and a resentment.
Now at I'm with my biological aunt (her name is Alice). Alice took me in, I thought this family was perfect. I fell into old habits. Once, twice, multiple times. It led to tension in the house that escalated to physical violence and resentment. Eventually she gave me the choice to change, or to leave.
I don't believe I am a bad person.
I believe that I made a stupid choice over and over again.
I had dated a 19yr old, who had turned 20 in the time we were dating. I had been dating him the whole time that I had left from shays house.
It was that relationship that caused everything to fall apart.
Back to Alice giving me a choice to leave, that very night I packed a bag and I left.
I wasn't able to take my State ID, birth certificate, or social. That makes it hard to find a job. I'm living separately from my guardian, I believe it would be in everyone's best interest if I were to live on my own.
I used to work at a Sonic Drive-in, and I would be able to get rehire there anytime I wanted. The manager offered to rehire me, but I can't work there without my money going to Alice.
I can't get hired anywhere else without my documents.
Without my ID I can't get copies of my documents.
With all that said I have a job I can go to, I'm living separately, I had just cause to leave, and it would be in my own best interest.

Would I be able to get emancipated ?

*if I missed any details that may be important please feel free to ask

Runaway Emancipation

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