samedi 12 mai 2018

Custom Body Work Failing Due to Bodyshop Using Incorrect Materials / Poor Prepping

My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: Georgia

So basically what happened is this...

Around November of 2014 I sent my car to a body shop to have the ground effects fiberglassed to the body of the car at a cost of $3,000 and I retain a legible picture of the reciept confirming that fiberglass was to be used.. This was because originally the ground effects were sagging and falling off. Upon receipt, everything looked fine, however; within about 3 months I noticed the nose of my car had several specs where paint was missing, it turned out paint was chipping off the bumper fairly rapidly. I complained about this to the body shop but he called it "bug damage". I could not agree with this because this happened during the winter months, and also the car was barely driven as it is my secondary car. Since he did the custom work to it, I decided to let him fix it at a cost of $500...

I receive the car back to find fish eyes (due to improper prep) all over the paint and over spray all over my vehicle, including the windshield, wheels, all the windows, the body, ect. He kept the car for over a month and it came back like this and I no longer felt comfortable with him handling my car. I threatened to sue him initially but I let it go...I removed alot of the overspray but some of it is still evidently on there.

Later still, around early 2017 I begin to notice cracks along the creases where the ground effects were molded, before those cracks became large cracks where there's evident gaps between the body and the ground effects...It got worse, and worse until now its currently unbearable. I took it to a body shop and found this guy didn't even use Fiberglass, he used Bondo, and Bondo doesn't bond well to metal especially in areas where vibrations may be present. I took it to two other body shops and they each confirmed this as well. In short, the entire job has to be re-done and its going to cost in the ballpark of $3,500 to repair and repaint the effected areas. Also, through most of 2017, literally most of the car has been sitting in the garage. It hasn't been driven much as I've been restoring the interior and also I have another commuter car.

I no longer have any original copies of the reciepts. I only have a legible digital picture of the $3,000 receipt and this also began around November of 2015... Do I have any chance of suing him to have the job re-done?

Custom Body Work Failing Due to Bodyshop Using Incorrect Materials / Poor Prepping

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