samedi 26 mai 2018

Trials: Is Someone Who is in Jail for Child Support Violation Allowed an Attorney by the Cour

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Colorado

My nephew is being run over by his exwife and her mother who is an attorney. He has paid over $100,000 for his 14 year old daughter. He was able to do this due to a high paying job in the oil field. In the last 3 years he has suffered many health issues and cannot work in this field any longer. They have had him in jail for 9 months. They say he does not have the right to an attorney and have railroaded over him in every hearing he has had including one yesterday when he was told all he does is talk about himself.
The judge has stated that this is the most "egregious" case of child support violation she has ever seen. This couple was married for less than 2 years, she got pregnant right away and then left him and moved to Arizona where her mother, the attorney, is. The mother interfered in the hearings until the family requested she not be allowed to be involved.
His ex wife immediately went to school in Arizona and became a teacher and receives a decent income to raise one child on. In the meantime he has paid her over $100,000 in child support in 14 years but the judge says "it is the most egregious case she has ever seen!"
His family lives several hundred miles away and they have requested he be transferred to jail in that area, they have refused his requests so my sister has to drive clear across Colorado for his hearings.
It sounds like in the hearings he and his mother have been badgered by this woman's attorney and the judge.
I would almost submit that this was planned by this woman and her mother so that she could have a child and receive $800 a month to help raise that child as they have not allowed any involvement by the father and at the time of the marriage the father earned a very good income in the oil field industry.

Trials: Is Someone Who is in Jail for Child Support Violation Allowed an Attorney by the Cour

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