lundi 28 mai 2018

Division of Assets: Retirement Funds After Legal Separation then Remarried then Divorce

My question involves a marriage in the state of: Arizona

After about twenty years of marriage, my wife and I got legally separated for just over a year. The legal separation included division of assets, including retirement. We then had the legal separation dismissed and have been living happily ever after as a normal married couple. Ok,not so happily, as we are considering divorce.

My question is this... I think in AZ property gets separated in a legal separation the same way it does in a divorce. If that is correct, how would retirement get divided in our situation?

Would the split go back to the original day of marriage?

Or would it go back only to the date of the separation being dismissed?

Would the decision in the legal separation be considered at all in a future judge's decision?

Division of Assets: Retirement Funds After Legal Separation then Remarried then Divorce

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