lundi 27 août 2018

Speeding Tickets: Traffic Infraction CVC 21461(A) Showing Up in Criminal Background Check

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: California.

I remember I received a CVC 21461(A) some years ago. I believe it was failure to stop completely
at a stop sign. I probably did not think twice about it, pleaded guilty and paid the fine and never
thought twice about it.

It is now several years later and I checked my background and see the traffic infraction showing up
as CVC 21461(A). It shows category "Criminal". As far as I know there has never been any warrant
for not paying any fines.
I have no idea how long this has been on my background. I don't think it has affected my
employment since I've switched jobs in the last couple of years but was not asked about this.

What can be done about this? It does not seem to be affecting me (not yet) but I'd rather
not have this show up on my background check.
How do I get this expunged? Yes, I know I can go to an attorney but since it does not seem
to be having any ill effect on me for now, I'd rather learn and fix it myself if I can.

Any help would be appreciated.

Speeding Tickets: Traffic Infraction CVC 21461(A) Showing Up in Criminal Background Check

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