vendredi 31 août 2018

Speeding Tickets: Radar: Beamwidth and Beam Spread

My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: CA

Say a patrol car were sitting on an east shoulder of 4-lane freeway, hiding in front of a mountain, a few feet north of an overpass. Further assume, the patrol vehicle were facing north, checking speed of northbound traffic, via a rear antenna.

If beamwidth were 12 degrees and distance were 1000 feet, would beam spread be 210 feet?

Also, assume a street ran parallel to the freeway, featuring north-south traffic. Is it possible for the beam spread to cover that street's northbound traffic,too (assuming, of course, that it were within the beam spread's 210 feet)? Or can the rear antenna be adjusted to focus exclusively on northbound freeway lanes?

The RADAR unit is a Stalker DSR

Speeding Tickets: Radar: Beamwidth and Beam Spread

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