mercredi 29 août 2018

Roommate Using Drugs

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: arizona

A month ago a friend moved in our house. We made up a sublease between him and I. One of the biggest things I mention that I will not allow any type of drugs in my home! And he understood a d accepted the rules and terms of the house.

Well about 2 weeks in we started noticing things missing around the house, he was acting strangely and when my fiance and I went out of town we had a friend of mine go check on our animals and Thursday, friday and Saturday morning she was able to get in and out of our house using a key but Saturday night she couldnt get in for some reason and we could no longer see our cameras. We got home and again he was acting strange and thankfully my fiancee set up the cameras so they always record just when you turn a certain thing off we no longer get access through our phone. Well he invited a few friends over and they didnt leave our home till 3am and they looked drunk. Something in my gut told me I needed to check his room out and get a vibe from it, so when he left for work I opened up his door and took a look around. I didnt want to touch anything I just wanted to scan to see if he had any of the stuff missing from the house. I saw a few items of ours they were missing and I also found a corner of tin foil under his bed, so I looked....and yup! There was about 8 tin foil under his bed with trace marking of some type of drugs, these black swirly marking ln tuis tin foil. I start freaking out of course. I run a in home day care so I have children running around my house and my roommate is smoking drugs!

As I looked further i notice a bag of 5 perks and like 3 pac man looking pill? I'm not a drug expert, never touched the stuff and dont want too anytime soon.
I rushed out of his room and havent said anything so far. I feel so unsafe in my home, I dont even want the kids I watch to be in my home anymore because of it and I dont kniw what to do... can I kick him ou?!?! Call the police?!?!

Roommate Using Drugs

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