mercredi 31 mai 2017

Other Offenses: Money in Probate Court with a Bench Warrant Out

So I was arrested 7 years ago and have a felony charge. To make a long story short, I was the victim of corruption and unscrupulous law enforcement officials, so I did not attent my court date. I left the state. A bench warrant went out for me, and nothing else has come of this case since. In fact, my case was put on the dead docket 4 years ago.

My mom passed, and I have inheritance in probate court (in a different state than the one in which I was arrested). I've tried to collect the funds without appearing in court but was told that I have to appear because "there is a warrant out for my arrest and the magistrate feels I am trying to stay out of jurisdiction to avoid other obligations". My questions are:

1. Would the probate court ever tell my whereabouts (I gave them my address) to the arresting agency in another state where my bench warrant is?

2. Would that other state try to extradite me and bring the case off of the dead docket, being that nothing has been done with it in all this time?

3. I have some other money in bank account and investment account. As far as I know, there would never be any legal right for law enforcement to freeze these assets or take my money, since even though I have an active warrant, I don't owe money to anyone. Is that right?

Thanks in advance.

Other Offenses: Money in Probate Court with a Bench Warrant Out

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