mardi 30 mai 2017

Deprivation of Civil Rights: Ordered to Do Supervised Visits with No Clarification

My question involves civil rights in the State of: Florida

Hello, I have been in an extremely hostile custody battle for close to 8 years. The father is the custodial parent and has not followed the custody order in any way for the last 4 + years. A lot of this has to do with a biased judge who, as one example or many, ordered no contact between myself and my child with justification. Her action was so blatant and egregious I was actually able to overturn the order on appeal without the help of an attorney as it was ordered with no due process. Unfortunately I listened to my attorney and did not have the judge recuse herself after the case was remanded back to the lower courts and this same judge continued to not only deny my ordered visitations in California where I live but also insisted on supervised with no explanation as to why despite numerous requests to clarify. As a background, I am a licensed physician, triathlete, and active member of my community. I have no criminal background and have done nothing in violation of the order to deserve such treatment since the father has actively denied contact between with my son and I with no repercussions for years.

My question is: is this a violation of my and my son's civil rights? We are both actively being denied a meaningful relationship due to a raging case of parental alienation on the part of the father but also as a result of the courts/this judge not enforcing an order already in place. My case is in the Hillsborough Co. family court system but I would like to know if there are any other avenues to seek relief to address this matter.


Deprivation of Civil Rights: Ordered to Do Supervised Visits with No Clarification

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