samedi 27 mai 2017

Adverse Possession: Can I Claim Adverse Possession or Gift of Promised Inheritence

My question involves real estate located in the State of: New York
I have a very big problem that now is crunch time. My family owns 40 plus acres in upstate new york, My father had several properties at the time of his death, all inherited by my mother. ALL property was paid in full, no mortgages or liens. SO, for over 45 years, all of us kids were ALWAYS told that we would each get a sum certain amount of acres. Prior to my father dying, this one particular property was enjoyed by numerous family and friends with campouts, bar b q's, we had animals there also. It WAS ALWAYS stated that my father bought this property for his children and his grandchildren.
Now, at one time or another most of my brothers and sisters have lived in one of the other family properties, rent free, for years att a time. Two of my siblings "LOST' my families property for unpaid property taxes that they were expected to pay, but didn t, and by the time anyone knew they were not paid, it was to late.
Now, My mother told me over 30 years ago that I could have my share of the 40 some acre parcel if and when i moved my fami;y onto said parcel, as she was living up on the property as she lost the home she was living in at the hands of a sibling aND ANOTHER SIBLING WAS LIVING IN HER OTHER HOUSE.
sO, i WENT AND FINANVCED A BEAUTIFUL MOBIL HOME ABOUT 30 YEARS AGO. i DEVELOPED THE LAND, PUT IN SPRING, PAID FOR WATER TO BE RUN TO MY MOMS HOUSE ALSO, I PAID TO HAVE SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLED AND I LITERALLY WORKED MY FINGERS TO THE BONE CLEARING THE LAND. ANOTHER sibling moved onto the property, built a home and worked their land farming. that one had their property surveyed and deeded over to them,(smart move), not thinking i would ever have a worry, my mom kept mine deeded to her for tax reasoins. anoyher sibling moved onto property, than another, when one left another came on. ALL THIS TIME THE PROPERTY WAS DEEMED OURS< as per my fathers wishes.
9 years ago, after i been living here and maintaining my homestead, my mother was losing propert y again for taxes, within literally weeks of tax sale, I got the money and paid all tax arrears bringing property up to date.
I have paid property taxes EVERY SINGLE YEAR since then. I bought my one siblings home as he relocated and his home was on my share of the property, my sibling moved his belongings to a new property claim on this lot.
now, my mothers memory getting whacky as she almost 90 years old.
one sibling moved in with ,my mother and is trying to steal everyone else property. he got power of attorney and wears that like his license to roib us. he has removed fencing i maintained for years and removed my livestock. I want to reclaim my property and my stock.
would I get an ADVERSE POSSESSION judgement or at least there is a big detrimental reliance on promises and actions of the past.
my mother remembers things as a the captive in a hostage situayion./ PLEASE HELP.
I having very bad thoughts on this thieving sibling. thank you Betty Shoop

Adverse Possession: Can I Claim Adverse Possession or Gift of Promised Inheritence

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