mardi 30 mai 2017

Civil Rights Issues: Failure to Display Drivers License

My question involves civil rights in the State of: texas

back in January I was pulled over as I entered my driveway very late at night. the officer refused to tell me why I was being pulled over when I asked him. he got mad very fast and threatened to arrest me if I didn't give him my license. I felt very threatened from the beginning as I seriously had no clue as to what I did wrong. I asked for another officer because of his quick threats...i have never been in any trouble my whole 33 years. long story short...he opened my car door and demanded my license again...i had it in my hand the whole time. I held it up. showed it to him. I even recited all the information on it. well that made him pretty angry...he proceeded to put his hands on me and started pulling me out of my car...he slammed me on my own driveway. I have video proof of this whole thing. he ended up arrested me. they charged me with resisting arrest and failure to identify. well, a couple months later I go to court. they "down graded" the failure to identify to failure to display a drivers license. I clearly displayed it. you can clearly see that in my video and his body cam. they also down graded my "resisting arreset" to disorderly conduct as you could clearly see I was not resisting. i have another pre trial in a few days for the "resisting" and a trial date for next week on the "failure to display". i can't afford an attorney. I even tried to get a court appointed. they turned me down. I am seriously at a loss and honestly scared. I know I did nothing wrong. I get that. but I also did nothing wrong that night and look where it got me. I am needing advice and help on what I should do. the police department will not release the body cam to me. I am allowed to go in person and watch it but that is it. I even filed a motion of discovery of which the sent to the AG and had turned down. how do I request that this video be shown in court? I requested a jury trial on both. part of me wants to just plea out because I am scared and can't afford the fees if I do lose. but part of me knows I was not in the wrong and feels I should fight. help.

Civil Rights Issues: Failure to Display Drivers License

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