samedi 23 mars 2019

Suspension and Revocation: Arrested for DUI and Had Dl Suspended, but DMV Sent Me a New Drivers License

My question involves a driver's license issued by the State of: California

I was arrested 1/5/19 for suspicion of DUI. I blew a .09 and a .10. My license was taken from me by the arresting officer. A couple days later I requested a DMV hearing to challenge the suspension of my drivers license. While waiting for my criminal trial and my DMV hearing, the CA DMV sent me a DL renewal. My DL was set to expire in April 2019 and this was a typical DL renewal that they send out 2-3 months before the expiration of the license. I paid the renewal fee and after 3 weeks a brand new drivers license was sent to me in the mail which states no restrictions, and is valid until April 2024. The DMV hearing came up a couple weeks ago and the DMV decided to uphold my suspension. My suspension is from 3/29/19 until 6/29/19. DMV states inorder to get a new DL i must do DUI classes, submit SR22 insurance and pay a $125.00 reinstatement fee. The DMV sending me a new DL has caused me a bit of confusion.

Since I have a DL do I still need to follow through with DUI classes, SR22 and reinstatement fee?

If a police officer were to pull me over during my suspension time-frame and I handed him my DL which states valid until 2024 would I still be arrested for driving with a suspended license? I assume they can still see my DL is suspended in their database.

Is the DMV sending me a new unrestricted DL while I was awaiting DMV hearing grounds for appealing the suspension?

It is a bit of unique situation. Thanks in advance for any help.

Suspension and Revocation: Arrested for DUI and Had Dl Suspended, but DMV Sent Me a New Drivers License

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