vendredi 22 mars 2019

Guardianship: Guardianship, Lawsuit, Crooked Healthcare and Lawyer Attacking Us Unethically

My question involves a person located in the state of: Washington State.

Have a big mess that I need help with and I am confused what to do.
A potential injury lawsuit in healthcare facility has caused them to hire a sleazy lawyer to try and make us look like injury didn't occur at the center. Injury caused by a un-watched patient to another patient I am POA of. Center never allowed exam of injured patient. APS called and report never received about the incident. Several illegal instances occurred at facility which POA has also witnessed.
The hired lawyer said he was a guardian ad litem, but is actually a hired laywer for the case to take control of a ex-patient's life when she is still capable of caring well for her self,but is in a wheel chair. She is still able to retain memory and can handle funds, banking, feed self, just about everything but, is in a wheel chair. Very healthy person with control of her faculties.
The lawyer is trying to make POA look incompetent, but POA has been paying bills accurately and managing patient to POA decisions without issues. Lawyer has created a fantasy description of lies that he has sent to the courts. This again is rooting from a possible lawsuit on the care facility. The lawyer is trying to make patient and POA responsible for paying lawyers depts and services that were not requested by patient of POA as well. If he is acting as an ad litem, he is the most back stabbing one ever. This is a serious problem he is trying to put us in and I need help making proper decisions to save faith and well being of the ex-patient. The lawyer is trying to destroy everything with false facts and lies. I need to speak with some one to guide me in a direction correctly and to listen further to the scenario this monster is creating on this case.
Please help me make good decisions for this very detailed and wrongful case, because it is a cover up to protect the health center from lawsuit and put false blame on the POA & Ex Patient.
I will check back during the evening to answer replies, but please have long term experience in guardianship cases that get tainted with a crooked lawyer.
Thank You for your time, I am desperate for help.

Guardianship: Guardianship, Lawsuit, Crooked Healthcare and Lawyer Attacking Us Unethically

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