mardi 19 mars 2019

Modification of Support: Determining the Obligor

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: NH

Recently in 2018 NH RSA-461-VI was changed to say "Each parenting plan shall include a detailed parenting schedule for the child, specifying the periods when each parent has residential responsibility or non-residential parenting time. Neither parent shall be described as having the child "reside primarily" with him or her or as having "primary residential responsibility" or "custody" or be designated as the "primary residential parent."

Previous to this change, the obligor for child support purposes was determined by which parent in the parenting plan was designated as having "primary residential custody." Since that terminology no longer applies, and assuming two parents have 50/50 parenting time, how is the obligor determined with this new change?

Thanks in advance

Modification of Support: Determining the Obligor

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