jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Support Arrears: My Kids Are Paying My (Their) Arrears to Keep Me Out of Jail

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Washington
I am the mother and non-custodial parent of 3 children; 23, 25 and 28. The divorce was final in 2006. All 3 of them are college graduates with jobs. I owe arrears of $17,000 and the state has, in the past, suspended my driver's license and just recently found me in contempt of court for failure to pay child support. I will add that I do pay when I am working, but due to health reasons, I no longer have a job and have filed for disability. For the last year the court has me on "Probation", with pay or appear hearings weekly. I have had to sell personal items or borrow to make the payments and stay out of jail. I remarried in 2014 and as a result of this court action, my husband and I have separated so I now have ZERO income. My children are helping me make the payments so I don't go to jail or get my license suspended again. My children are paying their own support! This is insane! I will also add that my court appointed attorney told me I apparently signed a statute of limitations waiver. I have never signed one. The only reason I am not the custodial parent is that my ex husband made me leave the family home (which was owned by his parents) and his attorney (which they hired for him) argued that since I had no home I should not have my children. I could not afford an attorney to fight this. I am a good mother and I love my children. This is hard for them and they do not want this order enforced. They have no contact with their father. Would it do any good for my children to appear at the next hearing?

Support Arrears: My Kids Are Paying My (Their) Arrears to Keep Me Out of Jail

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