vendredi 12 juillet 2019

Burgulary with Assault/Battery

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Florida.

I am the victim of this case and wanted to gather opinions and facts regarding the case. I live in a small, "good ol' boy" town and of course, it's all about WHO you know....
The backstory:
So I have a friend who recently won a small claims case against a woman(landlord) who she has had several nasty experiences with since moving out. She won the smalls claims case and was advised by the courts to place a lien on this ladies assets to try to recover the funds. They also advised her that they do not try to collect the funds AT ALL. Its left up to her to recover them by various tactics. They suggested to try to speak with the woman, let her know she had filed liens against her, and that maybe she would finally agree to just settle this. So, that being said, my friend asked me to accompany her to drop off the paperwork and to record the incident so that the lady would not be nasty to her. So I did, I was the driver. So we get to the ladies business, which is like a drive-thru store, my friend asked to speak to the lady. The lady came up to the window, remember I'm driving and holding my phone in clear view recording, she was handed the paperwork. After a minute of my friend talking to her, very nicely, she got mad because she knew I was recording. She then proceeded to reach into my vehicle and tried to snatch my phone from me. I was able to keep my grip on my phone and then the lady proceeded to swing on me instead. She missed me and hit the inside of my car instead. Her sister pulled her away to calm her. She then came back to the window and finished the conversation. Prior to that, I hadn't even spoke a word to the woman, and my friend was very civilized the whole time. I made a report with the city police. They agreed we handled it very nicely and were within our rights. They did their investigation and reviewed the video I had provided. The lady also had cameras that probably recorded a better angle of her trying to steal my phone and swing on me. The city police decided to charge her with burgulary with assault and battery. She was arrested later that day. She was bonded out in less than 12 hours with no appearance in front of a judge. I was told by someone that she shouldn't have been able to bond out until at least her first appearance. So just looking for some insight into this situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. She is a woman with money and "friends" in high places. But I'm a business owner as well and hate corruption and fakeness. I plan to fight this tooth and nail so this woman can stop running all over people. She is known for this and most people are scared to fight her due to her money and statue. Not me. Thank you for any help

Burgulary with Assault/Battery

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