mardi 23 avril 2019

The Only Question Remaining

What just happened to this site?

It looks like they stopped paying for internet presence and ads to draw people in. It also looks like KIA knew this was coming which is why he bailed out a few months ago. He figured 'what's the use, it's days are marked.'

Now, for discussion, will the EL regulars try to figure out why this happened? Will they look in a mirror and place blame where it should be placed? Or, will they just blame it all on me for being the most destructive 'troll' that has ever posted on any site?

I have my opinion. People come to this site when they are in trouble or need to know how to prevail in a legal issue. But what they get is told they have no chance of winning, as if they were talking to a prosecutor, not a defense attorney. The whole purpose of this site is backwards. It should be dominated by defense minded individuals but it is clearly dominated by anti-societal folks who want to see people burn for their wrongdoings. if a defense attorney told every person who walked through the door that they were guilty and had no defense, he would be out of business in short order. THAT, imo, is what happened to this site.

Sites do not only prevail because of internet 'ad bait'. They also succeed due to word of mouth. If you actually did something constructive and helped people instead of telling them how guilty they are, maybe it would have had a better chance of success. The folks we can thank for that foremost are AJ, payrolguy, page, Carl, Mark and about five others who are first on the draw to 'F' with OP's.

Now tell me that I alone brought down the site...which would be inline with most of the other opinions expressed here.

The Only Question Remaining

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