vendredi 19 avril 2019

Court Proceedings: Lies to the Court

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: Pennsylvania
3.5 years ago My ex was charged with child neglect by CYS. She was required to meet with a counselor and follow his recommendations at the time, she met with him and he determined she was a drunk and recommended 3 hours/ day out patient treatment. she hid this from the court, she denied having met with him, denied the existence of a report, then went to another substance abuse counselor to gain a better report. She shared this report. since the initial report she denied having we have met with a multitude of co parenting counselor, intervention counselors, guardians, and recently we were able to obtain the report legally as she was compelled to release the document by signing a HIPPA release. I feel I have been violated, she lied to the court, her attorney and her obstructed justice and all the meeting we had did not have the fact that she was suppose to be in counseling. I have spent $30,000 in lawyer fees, my reputation was damaged, because with willful intent she lied to the court and withheld information.
All this time a 7 now 11 year old little girl was trapped in the middle....this is one major lie, there are 100 others

Can someone cite case law when a party, lies to a judge, and gets caught, withholding information that was t be releaseed...really need your help to search for something that will stop the lies in court.

Court Proceedings: Lies to the Court

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