jeudi 24 janvier 2019

Custody Order - Kids Not Following It and Ex Being Permissive

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: IA

in the past we have treated it with some flexibility. However now the ex got the kids a pet and the kids go over there all the time on my time. The issue appears to be that he told them the cat was their responsibility - as parents do when the get a pet to teach "responsibility" or whatnot. SO now I find out that he will feed the cat on this time, give the cat water on his time, pet the cat on his time but solely rely on the kids to clean the cat litter on my time.

I see this as him pawning off chores of his household onto the kids during the time the kids are supposed to be parented by me.

In the past I allowed (well, found out there were going so I permitted it) them to go see the cat thinking I would really be a cold B*tch if I denied that. But I really object to them being ordered to do 100% of the dirty work with only 40% of the other stuff associated with a cat.

The main issue is that kids are kids and im not sure I can enforce it without following htem around. since the two home are within walking distances it's difficult to police. HOwever he is permissive - like the last time they went to do it he was sitting right there at home and let them in. but since they know his garage code really they can go change the cat litter any time.

I have emailed him to let him know my displeasure but not sure how much recourse I have.

Please dont attack me for being petty. I feel like he is assigning them unrealistic chores that they are not responsible for by the custody agreement. I mean, I dont make them come and clean bathrooms when they are his time.

ANyway, i was just wondering if I should do anything other than sending an email, talking with the kids. I feel pretty powerless even though the custody order clearly says who's time is who's.

lmaybe just ignore it? but I feel like I ignore a lot already and if I ignore it then I want to give up on everything and give up on parenting.

Custody Order - Kids Not Following It and Ex Being Permissive

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