vendredi 25 janvier 2019

After Installing a Fence in Backyard, Learned That Neighbor Has Sprinklers on My Land

My question involves real estate located in the State of: CA

I have some terrible neighbors with whom communication is impossible, and my backyard blends with theirs naturally (their side begins on a slope where I had learned--via an official survey--is partly my property). So after several nasty disputes, I went ahead and installed a fence fully at my expense, built a few feet within my property line, only to learn that he has about a dozen sprinklers installed on it (not sure how long it's been there). I was able to cap them since I no longer need them, but want to cover my bases and be safe of any potential action he might be in the position to take.

Any advice on what actions I could or should take to protect myself from potential headaches?

After Installing a Fence in Backyard, Learned That Neighbor Has Sprinklers on My Land

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