mercredi 29 mai 2019

Disestablishing Paternity: Disestablish Paternity After a DNA Test when the Husband Signed a Birth Certificate

My question involves paternity law for the State of: OHIO
My question involves paternity law for the State of: Ohio
Someone I know signed a birth certificate when a child was born but LATER did a DNA test that shows he was NOT the father. At the time of the child's birth he thought he was the father but subsequently discover he was not. He consequently divorced the mother of the child. He has been paying child support for several years because he was told by Ohio child support enforcement that "because he signed the birth certificate Ohio will not bastardize the child and he is obligated to support this child regardless of the DNA test". This does not seem legal that he is obligated to pay support for a child that is not his. Can he contest the support order and paternity of the child who is now 8 years old?

Disestablishing Paternity: Disestablish Paternity After a DNA Test when the Husband Signed a Birth Certificate

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