samedi 21 juillet 2018

Medical Records: Is It Legal for My Ex's Girlfriend to Take Our Child to a Urgent Care

My question involves public health law in the State of:

I was initially told that my ex had taken our son to an urgent care stating our son had pink eye. Our child was than he was prescribed a medication that caused him to have an allergic reaction.

In the parenting plan it states that my ex can not make any non emergency or emergency decisions regarding health.

I do not believe pink eye constitute and emergency and our child had come home from his fathers with pink eye the previous week and finished his medicine that was prescribed.

When I requested the after care summary report he refused to give it to me or even the name of the urgent care center infromation.

When i found out by researching the doctor that prescribed the medication I than contacted the clinic and they informed me they could not give me any information due to not being listed on my childs medical records. They are trying to state that they believe our child needed emergency care but didnt take him to an emergency room just to an urgent care. I that contacted my child pcp provider to obtain the information and when i obtained the aftercare summary report
I than found out that my ex didnt take our child he wasn't even there his girlfriend took him stating she was his step mother and they arent even married.

My ex's girlfriend used to work in the medical feild so she used her previous position to call in a cps report on me stating i was abusing and neglecting my child.

cps came and intervied my two older kids who have a different dad than the baby and informed me that she was closing the case as false and unfounded

I would like to know can she legally take my child to a urgent care with out my consent
what l can I legally do to prevent her from obtaining unnecessary medical care for my child and not include my information on the records.

Medical Records: Is It Legal for My Ex's Girlfriend to Take Our Child to a Urgent Care

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